UEFA Champions League

Manchester United vs Zalaegerszegi TE, 2002/03 UEFA Champions League, Qualifying Third Round

· 2nd Leg - Manchester United win 5-1 on aggregate
  • 6': Ruud van Nistelrooy
  • 15': David Beckham
  • 21': Paul Scholes
  • 76': Ruud van Nistelrooy (P)
  • 84': Ole Gunnar Solskjaer
5 - 0
2nd Leg - Manchester United win 5-1 on aggregate
  • Red Card 74': Sasa Ilic


Manchester United are hosting Zalaegerszegi TE at Old Trafford, Manchester, England, starting on . The match is a part of the UEFA Champions League.

Match Timeline

  • 0': Manchester United have to overturn a one-goal defecit in order to make the group stages of the Champions League. Follow all the action live from 20.10 BST
  • 0': Veron races down the left after an early ball forward by Zalaegerszeg: keeper Ilic is there for the visitors
  • 1': Csoka on the ball for Zalaegerszeg - they can't keep possession and United have it again
  • 2': Phil Neville plays it in to Van Nistelrooy and he's down after a challenge from Vincze
  • 3': The referee's quite happy with that, and play goes on... Ilic miskicks but is saved by an offside flag as United try to capitalise
  • 3': All in all, it's the expected start - the possession very much with the home side
  • 4': Veron lofts one forward looking for Van Nistelrooy, but that's just too far ahead of the striker and Ilic gathers
  • 4': Giggs chases and Babati does well, clearing the ball into touch
  • 5': Budisa goes to ground after a late challenge from Scholes: again the verdict is play on
  • 6': ...Blanc does just that, and Keane and Scholes help the ball on to Van Nistelrooy...
  • 6': ...he takes the ball into the area and it's a cool, low finish past Ilic - 1-1 on aggregate!
  • 7': Exactly what Zalaegerszeg had dreaded, and here come their hosts again through Beckham, latching onto a misplaced pass...
  • 8': He tries a first-time shot, which sails over the crossbar
  • 9': Veron gets free down the left and squares the ball into the area - it's cleared, but the pressure is growing all the time
  • 10': Zalaegerszeg have a free-kick, which is swung into the area and easily dealt with by Ferdinand
  • 11': Van Nistelrooy has loads of space down the left and tries to pick out Scholes, who fires a difficult ball over the crossbar
  • 11': At the moment, the visitors can't get to grips with United at all
  • 12': ...They hit back briefly with a cross, and Phil Neville is in the right place to deal with that one
  • 12': Then Szamosi gets forward and fires in a shot from distance - it goes into a rather disdainful Stretford End
  • 13': United back on the ball: Silvestre swings it forward, but that's a bit aimless
  • 14': Down goes Giggs after a none-too-subtle challenge. It's central. It's 30 yards out. Who might fancy this, mmm?
  • 15': Indeed it is Beckham - and it's a perfect, curling shot into the top corner of the net. No chance for Ilic - 2-1 United on aggregate!
  • 16': A great free-kick and a rampaging start from United, just as Sir Alex Ferguson had predicted
  • 16': Another free-kick to United in a good crossing position on the right. Beckham again...
  • 17': No, it's Giggs. We can't be right all the time. It doesn't really matter though, as the ball in is aimless and finds nobody
  • 18': Scholes crosses, Giggs fires in from an angle and Ilic blocks with his legs. This could be a hefty scoreline in the end...
  • 20': United play it forward, and Veron does well to win a throw near the corner flag
  • 21': That one's blocked, but the ball's crossed back in and, via a fortunate ricochet, reaches Scholes just outside the six-yard area...
  • 21': Scholes doesn't need a second invitation, and a crisp low finish sees the ball whiz past Ilic for the third time
  • 22': Vincze tries a shot from an angle at the other end, but that's into the side netting
  • 23': Beckham drives the ball through the area, but this time there's nobody able to take advantage
  • 23': 3-1 on aggregate, then... for now. This is enormously one-sided stuff
  • 24': Giggs steams down the left, and fires in a vicious cross which produces a corner
  • 25': Blanc and Ferdinand both forward for this - Urban gets it away, none too convincingly
  • 26': Now Neville comes forward... he crosses, it's cleared, but United have a virtual monopoly on possession
  • 26': ...and a miskick gives Giggs the chance to shoot, but Ilic stops his effort
  • 27': Beckham miscues a cross from the right. He'll get another chance soon enough...
  • 28': Veron again, but his pass forward is cleared - and instantly won back. Silvestre looks for Scholes...
  • 29': ...but the offside flag is quickly raised
  • 30': On the half-hour mark then, and it's a bit of a procession
  • 30': Ljubojevic is fouled down the Zalaegerszeg right. Free-kick, and this can be swung into the area...
  • 31': It's a good ball in, and Keane produces an excellent clearing header. Zalaegerszeg's best moment
  • 32': ...and it brings them a corner. Carroll punches it clear
  • 33': Beckham's offside as United string another passing move together. Blanc is fouled as he clears the resulting long ball forward
  • 34': Budisa clears under pressure from Van Nistelrooy, and Keane wins the ball back
  • 35': Giggs on the left: the cross is deflected, making it easy for the defence to deal with
  • 36': At the other end, Ferdinand ushers the ball back to his keeper. He hasn't had a great deal to do
  • 37': Straight back to the other end: Budisa concedes a corner, which is dealt with easily enough. A little over five minutes until the break
  • 38': Goal-kick to Zalaegerszeg as a ball forward drifts out of play: something of a lull in proceedings just now
  • 39': United have a throw on half-way now... play is switched to Silvestre, who is bundled over and wins a free-kick
  • 40': Beckham has come across to swing this in. Ferdinand and Blanc are forward again...
  • 41': Blanc attacks the ball, but can't make anything of it and the attack peters out
  • 41': Zalaegerszeg win a free-kick wide on the left...
  • 42': It's swung in and goes straight through to Carroll, who holds on... at the other end, Keane has a shot blocked
  • 43': Another free-kick to the visitors: Ljubojevic the player fouled this time
  • 43': Kenesei's delivery is awful: high, harmless and straight out of play
  • 44': United happily settle into another spell of possession: Giggs gets going down the left...
  • 45': ...and wins a corner. Beckham crosses, and keeper Ilic comes to collect
  • 45': Into first half stoppage time: it's easy for United, who are just winding down to the interval with some slick play
  • 45': That's the end of the action for now - 3-0 to United on the night, 3-1 on aggregate
  • 45': United start the second half... both game and tie should, barring something ludicrous happening, be safely in the bag
  • 46': Giggs launches into an early run, which Babati covers. Corner to United at the Stretford End
  • 47': Van Nistelrooy stretches to get to it, but can only steer the ball wildly wide
  • 47': Scholes is hurt after a collision - he might have to be replaced...
  • 48': Looks as though Solskjaer could be coming on... in the meantime, Zalaegerszeg are passing the ball around
  • 49': Scholes seems to have hurt his right ankle in that challenge
  • 50': Babati almost lets in Van Nistelrooy after slipping, but recovers in time to keep hold of the ball
  • 50': Scholes is being stretchered to the sidelines... Solskjaer is on in his place
  • 51': Scholes is getting a thunderous ovation as he is carried round the field... Van Nistelrooy is robbed as he tries to engineer a shooting chance
  • 52': Straight away, Giggs restarts the attack...
  • 53': ...Solskjaer and Keane link, but Beckham is dispossessed
  • 54': Great play by Keane wins it back, and Ferdinand comes forward. In the end, though, the move breaks down
  • 55': Blanc makes a great challenge on Kenesei... he's hobbling as a result
  • 56': And the challenge itself was the result of a mistake by Ferdinand
  • 57': Silvestre attacks down the left... it's a corner. Beckham curls the ball in, but it flies behind Ilic's goal
  • 58': Keane then tries to up the ante, but it's all a bit flat in this second half. The game yet to spring back into life
  • 59': Ilic takes the ball under pressure from Van Nistelrooy to make sure that United can't profit from some shaky defending
  • 60': Farago is on and Ljubojevic comes off as the visitors elect to make a change
  • 60': Molnar shoots after some neat attacking build-up: it's blocked, but that was a decent move
  • 61': Van Nistelrooy gets into the area but dawdles over his final cross and the chance has gone
  • 62': Keane and Van Nistelrooy feed Giggs, who opts to pull the ball back across the area and finds only a line of defenders
  • 64': Giggs threatens again - Molnar gets back. Vincze is off and Balog on in the visitors' second switch
  • 65': Ferdinand deals neatly with a brief moment of Zalaegerszeg threat, but the attack he attempts to start doesn't take off. Scrappy and shapeless stuff at the moment
  • 66': Beckham, though, looks for Solskjaer and Budisa has to concede a corner
  • 67': Giggs swings a deep cross in, Zalaegerszeg get it away with no problems at all
  • 68': Rio Ferdinand is taken off - he gets a great reception from the crowd - and is replaced by John O'Shea
  • 69': Giggs produces some good defensive work to win the ball back on the Zalaegerszeg right, and Veron looks to move things forward...
  • 70': Van Nistelrooy is set free inside the area and lays the ball back to Keane - he fires the shot high into the Stretford End
  • 71': Then Van Nistelrooy is put through by a neat Solskjaer touch. Uncharacteristically, he also puts the ball over the top
  • 72': Veron tries a power-packed shot from 30 yards - it flies wide. A spate of United efforts
  • 72': Beckham's off and Diego Forlan comes on for United. Can he inject a bit of life back into this game?
  • 73': Ilic and Van Nistelrooy collide as the keeper comes out to claim... Van Nistelrooy is on the ground and the referee wants to talk to Ilic...
  • 74': He sends Ilic from the field - presumably citing dangerous play - so it's a penalty to United and a red card. Substitute keeper Turi is on his way on
  • 75': That seemed a bit harsh on Ilic... looks like Forlan might take the penalty. Babati is off as the new keeper comes on to face Forlan...
  • 76': No, Van Nistelrooy will take the spot-kick after all...
  • 76': He smashes it into the corner, and United lead 4-0 on the night and 4-1 on aggregate
  • 77': A late rally from the visitors... they're putting a little bit of pressure on
  • 78': This brings them a corner - can it also bring them a consolation goal?
  • 79': No: Carroll is there to take a comfortable catch for United, and Keane soon has the ball in midfield
  • 80': Van Nistelrooy is crowded out as he looks to turn, and Molnar has the ball
  • 81': Blanc gets across to snuff out another late threat and United come forward...
  • 82': ...Giggs appears to retrieve the ball down the left and crosses for Forlan to head in
  • 82': ...but the flag is up - the ball had gone out of play before Giggs hooked it across
  • 83': Forlan still awaits his first competitive United goal. He then finds Solskjaer - and the flag's up again
  • 84': But Solskjaer soon breaks free on the left of the area, and a trademark cool finish makes it 5-0 on the night and 5-1 on aggregate. Typical Solskjaer style
  • 85': Forlan finds space on the left of the area: he crosses, but that's saved easily enough
  • 86': Now Silvestre comes forward, but with colleagues waiting in the area he elects to shoot and sees the effort palmed out by the keeper
  • 87': Solskjaer follows the example with a shot of his own, which substitute keeper Turi - who's been a busy man - stops
  • 88': Last couple of minutes now, and Zalaegerszeg will be glad when it's over
  • 89': Molnar is grounded after a challenge with Giggs which sent him tumbling into the advertising hoardings behind the goal
  • 90': Another booking - Molnar is yellow-carded for dissent
  • 90': Heading towards stoppage time now, on what has been a very comfortable night for United, marred only by that injury to Scholes
  • 90': There will be three minutes of stoppage time...
  • 90': Forward comes Keane as United keep the ball with plenty of comfort and time running out
  • 90': Sir Alex Ferguson's side are knocking it around with ease, and the referee's looking at his watch
  • 90': Giggs fires in a late, late cross - and wins his side a late, late corner
  • 90': Veron volleys, but the ball veers well wide of the far post
  • 90': The final whistle blows - United have achieved qualification in, as expected, comfortable style. They win 5-0 on the night and 5-1 on aggregate

Game Information

Competition: UEFA Champions League

Venue: Old Trafford
Location: Manchester, England
Attendance: 66,814


MAN Manchester United

No. Name
13 Roy Carroll (GK)
3 Phil Neville
6 Rio Ferdinand
5 Laurent Blanc
27 Mikaël Silvestre
7 David Beckham
16 Roy Keane
4 Juan Sebastián Verón
18 Paul Scholes
11 Ryan Giggs
10 Ruud van Nistelrooy

ZTE Zalaegerszegi TE

No. Name
12 Sasa Ilic (GK) Red Card
17 Zsolt Csoka
6 Florian Urban
5 Igor Budisa
4 Tamas Szamosi
10 Ferenc Babati
22 Darko Ljubojevic
7 Balazs Molnar Yellow Card
77 Otto Vincze
20 Krisztian Kenesei
15 Gabor Egressy

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