![English League Championship](https://a.espncdn.com/combiner/i?img=/i/leaguelogos/soccer/500/24.png?w=40&h=40)
Fulham vs Wigan Athletic, 2014-15 English League Championship, 2014/2015 English League Championship
· English League Championship2 - 2
Wigan earn draw at Fulham in Gary Caldwell's debut as manager
![Caldwell_Gary 150410 - Index [1296x729]](https://a.espncdn.com/photo/2015/0410/soc_g_caldwell1x_1296x729.jpg)
Gary Caldwell may not be a miracle worker but he has at least breathed some life into Wigan after they twice came from behind to draw 2-2 at Fulham.
Match Timeline
- 0': Game on!
- 1': Throw-in: Jack Grimmer takes it (Attacking)
- 1': Throw-in: Gaetan Bong takes it (Attacking)
- 2': Throw-in: Gaetan Bong takes it (Defending)
- 2': Scott Parker commits a foul on Kim Bo-Kyung resulting on a free kick for Wigan Athletic
- 2': William Kvist (Wigan Athletic) Free Kick at 2'
- 2': Ryan Tunnicliffe commits a foul on Jermaine Pennant resulting on a free kick for Wigan Athletic
- 2': James Perch (Wigan Athletic) Free Kick at 2'
- 3': Jack Grimmer clears the ball from danger.
- 3': Throw-in: Gaetan Bong takes it (Attacking)
- 3': Throw-in: Gaetan Bong takes it (Attacking)
- 4': That last goal was assisted by Sean Kavanagh
- 4': Ross McCormack hits a good right footed shot. Outcome: goal
- 4': Goal!! Ross McCormack hits a right footed shot to the lower right corner from the centre and scores!! Fulham now leads 1 - 0
- 6': Offside called on Marc-Antoine Fortune
- 7': Marcus Bettinelli (Fulham) Free Kick at 7'
- 7': Michael Turner clears the ball from danger.
- 7': Throw-in: Gaetan Bong takes it (Attacking)
- 7': Jack Grimmer clears the ball from danger.
- 8': Throw-in: Jack Grimmer takes it (Defending)
- 9': Throw-in: Sean Kavanagh takes it (Defending)
- 9': Daniel Burn clears the ball from danger.
- 9': Throw-in: James Husband takes it (Defending)
- 10': Throw-in: Emmerson Boyce takes it (Attacking)
- 10': Gaetan Bong crosses the ball.
- 10': James Husband clears the ball from danger.
- 10': Throw-in: Gaetan Bong takes it (Attacking)
- 10': Throw-in: James Husband takes it (Defending)
- 11': Offside called on Marc-Antoine Fortune
- 11': Marcus Bettinelli (Fulham) Free Kick at 11'
- 12': James McClean crosses the ball.
- 12': Tim Hoogland clears the ball from danger.
- 13': Ryan Tunnicliffe clears the ball from danger.
- 13': Marc-Antoine Fortune crosses the ball.
- 13': Daniel Burn clears the ball from danger.
- 13': Michael Turner clears the ball from danger.
- 14': Scott Parker clears the ball from danger.
- 15': Throw-in: Emmerson Boyce takes it (Defending)
- 15': Throw-in: Emmerson Boyce takes it (Attacking)
- 16': William Kvist hits a good right footed shot, but it is off target. Outcome: blocked
- 16': Ryan Tunnicliffe blocks the shot
- 17': Throw-in: Gaetan Bong takes it (Attacking)
- 18': Marcus Bettinelli takes a long goal kick
- 18': Offside called on Marc-Antoine Fortune
- 18': Michael Turner (Fulham) Free Kick at 18'
- 19': Harry Maguire hits a good right footed shot, but it is off target. Outcome: over bar
- 20': Marcus Bettinelli takes a long goal kick
- 20': Throw-in: Gaetan Bong takes it (Attacking)
- 21': Scott Parker commits a foul on James McClean resulting on a free kick for Wigan Athletic
- 22': Jermaine Pennant (Wigan Athletic) Free Kick at 22'
- 22': Jermaine Pennant curls a good right footed shot. Outcome: goal
- 22': Goal!! Jermaine Pennant hits a right footed shot to the upper left corner from the centre and scores!! The game is now tied at 1
- 24': Marcus Bettinelli takes a short goal kick
- 25': Gaetan Bong crosses the ball.
- 25': James Husband clears the ball from danger.
- 25': James Husband commits a foul on Jermaine Pennant resulting on a free kick for Wigan Athletic
- 25': Harry Maguire (Wigan Athletic) Free Kick at 25'
- 26': Daniel Burn commits a foul on Kim Bo-Kyung resulting on a free kick for Wigan Athletic
- 27': Daniel Burn is awarded a yellow card. Reason: unsporting behaviour
- 27': Harry Maguire (Wigan Athletic) Free Kick at 27'
- 27': Throw-in: Jack Grimmer takes it (Defending)
- 29': Throw-in: Emmerson Boyce takes it (Defending)
- 30': Throw-in: Emmerson Boyce takes it (Attacking)
- 30': Kim Bo-Kyung commits a foul on Scott Parker resulting on a free kick for Fulham
- 30': Ryan Tunnicliffe (Fulham) Free Kick at 30'
- 31': Throw-in: Gaetan Bong takes it (Defending)
- 31': Throw-in: Gaetan Bong takes it (Defending)
- 31': Ross McCormack crosses the ball.
- 32': Throw-in: Tim Hoogland takes it (Attacking)
- 32': Jack Grimmer crosses the ball.
- 32': William Kvist clears the ball from danger.
- 33': Ross McCormack hits a good right footed shot, but it is off target. Outcome: blocked
- 33': Emmerson Boyce blocks the shot
- 33': Jack Grimmer crosses the ball.
- 33': Matt Smith hits a good header, but it is off target. Outcome: miss left
- 35': That last goal was assisted by Ryan Tunnicliffe
- 35': Matt Smith hits a good right footed shot. Outcome: goal
- 35': Goal!! Matt Smith hits a right footed shot to the upper left corner from the centre and scores!! Fulham now leads 2 - 1
- 38': Jack Grimmer clears the ball from danger.
- 38': Ryan Tunnicliffe clears the ball from danger.
- 39': Throw-in: Emmerson Boyce takes it (Attacking)
- 39': Offside called on Marc-Antoine Fortune
- 39': Marcus Bettinelli (Fulham) Free Kick at 39'
- 40': Sean Kavanagh commits a foul on Emmerson Boyce resulting on a free kick for Wigan Athletic
- 40': Scott Carson (Wigan Athletic) Free Kick at 40'
- 42': Throw-in: Gaetan Bong takes it (Attacking)
- 42': Throw-in: Jack Grimmer takes it (Defending)
- 43': Jack Grimmer crosses the ball.
- 43': Jason Pearce clears the ball from danger.
- 44': Sean Kavanagh commits a foul on Jermaine Pennant resulting on a free kick for Wigan Athletic
- 45': Sean Kavanagh is awarded a yellow card. Reason: unsporting behaviour
- 45': The referee has signaled the end of the first half
- 45'+1': Harry Maguire (Wigan Athletic) Free Kick at 46'
- 45'+2': James Husband commits a foul on William Kvist resulting on a free kick for Wigan Athletic
- 45'+2': James Perch (Wigan Athletic) Free Kick at 47'
- 45'+3': Throw-in: James Husband takes it (Defending)
- 45': The second half is under way
- 47': Gaetan Bong crosses the ball.
- 47': Scott Parker clears the ball from danger.
- 47': Jason Pearce commits a foul on Matt Smith resulting on a free kick for Fulham
- 47': Matt Smith (Fulham) Free Kick at 47'
- 47': Ross McCormack commits a foul on William Kvist resulting on a free kick for Wigan Athletic
- 47': William Kvist (Wigan Athletic) Free Kick at 47'
- 48': Throw-in: Gaetan Bong takes it (Defending)
- 49': Throw-in: Emmerson Boyce takes it (Attacking)
- 50': Throw-in: James Husband takes it (Attacking)
- 50': Throw-in: James Husband takes it (Defending)
- 52': Jermaine Pennant crosses the ball.
- 53': Throw-in: Jack Grimmer takes it (Attacking)
- 53': Throw-in: Jack Grimmer takes it (Attacking)
- 54': Ryan Tunnicliffe commits a foul on Jermaine Pennant resulting on a free kick for Wigan Athletic
- 54': Emmerson Boyce (Wigan Athletic) Free Kick at 54'
- 55': James Husband clears the ball from danger.
- 57': Wigan Athletic makes a sub: Martin Waghorn enters for Marc-Antoine Fortune. Reason: Tactical
- 57': James McClean hits a good header. Outcome: save
- 57': Marcus Bettinelli makes the save (Catch)
- 59': Throw-in: Emmerson Boyce takes it (Defending)
- 59': Ross McCormack crosses the ball.
- 59': Tim Hoogland crosses the ball.
- 59': Ross McCormack hits a good right footed shot, but it is off target. Outcome: blocked
- 59': Harry Maguire blocks the shot
- 59': Sean Kavanagh hits a good left footed shot, but it is off target. Outcome: miss left
- 60': Scott Carson takes a long goal kick
- 60': Michael Turner clears the ball from danger.
- 60': Jack Grimmer crosses the ball.
- 61': Tim Hoogland crosses the ball.
- 61': Sean Kavanagh hits an impressive left footed shot, but it is off target. Outcome: blocked
- 61': Emmerson Boyce blocks the shot
- 61': Throw-in: William Kvist takes it (Defending)
- 61': James Husband crosses the ball.
- 62': Daniel Burn hits a good header, but it is off target. Outcome: miss right
- 63': Fulham makes a sub: Cauley Woodrow enters for Matt Smith. Reason: Tactical
- 64': Scott Carson takes a short goal kick
- 65': Throw-in: Jack Grimmer takes it (Attacking)
- 65': Ross McCormack commits a foul on Jason Pearce resulting on a free kick for Wigan Athletic
- 65': Jason Pearce (Wigan Athletic) Free Kick at 65'
- 66': Emmerson Boyce crosses the ball.
- 66': Gaetan Bong commits a foul on Tim Hoogland resulting on a free kick for Fulham
- 66': Marcus Bettinelli (Fulham) Free Kick at 66'
- 67': Throw-in: Martin Waghorn takes it (Attacking)
- 67': Throw-in: Gaetan Bong takes it (Attacking)
- 67': Throw-in: Jack Grimmer takes it (Attacking)
- 68': Daniel Burn hits a good left footed shot, but it is off target. Outcome: miss left
- 68': Scott Carson takes a long goal kick
- 69': Jermaine Pennant crosses the ball.
- 69': Daniel Burn clears the ball from danger.
- 69': Harry Maguire hits a good header, but it is off target. Outcome: miss left
- 69': That last goal was assisted by Harry Maguire (Pass from Centre Penalty Area)
- 69': Jason Pearce hits a good left footed shot. Outcome: goal
- 69': Goal!! Jason Pearce hits a left footed shot to the lower left corner from the centre penalty area and scores!! The game is now tied at 2
- 70': Wigan Athletic makes a sub: Chris McCann enters for Emmerson Boyce. Reason: Tactical
- 70': Sean Kavanagh crosses the ball.
- 71': Jason Pearce clears the ball from danger.
- 71': Gaetan Bong commits a foul on Cauley Woodrow resulting on a free kick for Fulham
- 72': Ross McCormack (Fulham) Free Kick at 72'
- 72': Ross McCormack crosses the ball.
- 72': Cauley Woodrow hits a good header, but it is off target. Outcome: over bar
- 73': Fulham makes a sub: Bryan Ruiz enters for Sean Kavanagh. Reason: Tactical
- 73': Scott Carson takes a short goal kick
- 74': Scott Carson takes a long goal kick
- 75': Throw-in: James Husband takes it (Attacking)
- 76': Throw-in: Jack Grimmer takes it (Attacking)
- 77': Throw-in: James Husband takes it (Defending)
- 78': Throw-in: James Husband takes it (Attacking)
- 78': Scott Parker crosses the ball.
- 78': Harry Maguire clears the ball from danger.
- 79': Bryan Ruiz crosses the ball.
- 79': James McClean crosses the ball.
- 79': James Husband clears the ball from danger.
- 79': Throw-in: William Kvist takes it (Attacking)
- 80': Throw-in: Gaetan Bong takes it (Attacking)
- 80': Gaetan Bong crosses the ball.
- 80': Daniel Burn clears the ball from danger.
- 80': Throw-in: Gaetan Bong takes it (Defending)
- 81': William Kvist commits a foul on Scott Parker resulting on a free kick for Fulham
- 81': Marcus Bettinelli (Fulham) Free Kick at 81'
- 81': Scott Parker hits a good left footed shot, but it is off target. Outcome: miss right
- 82': James McClean crosses the ball.
- 82': Jermaine Pennant hits a good header, but it is off target. Outcome: blocked
- 82': James Husband blocks the shot
- 82': Ross McCormack clears the ball from danger.
- 83': Wigan Athletic makes a sub: Josh Murphy enters for Jermaine Pennant. Reason: Tactical
- 83': Throw-in: Jason Pearce takes it (Defending)
- 84': Throw-in: Jack Grimmer takes it (Defending)
- 85': Throw-in: Jack Grimmer takes it (Attacking)
- 85': Throw-in: Josh Murphy takes it (Attacking)
- 85': William Kvist commits a foul on Ross McCormack resulting on a free kick for Fulham
- 86': James Husband (Fulham) Free Kick at 86'
- 86': Jack Grimmer crosses the ball.
- 86': James Perch clears the ball from danger.
- 87': Cauley Woodrow hits a good right footed shot. Outcome: save
- 87': Scott Carson makes the save (Other)
- 87': James McClean hits a good right footed shot, but it is off target. Outcome: blocked
- 87': Ryan Tunnicliffe blocks the shot
- 88': Marcus Bettinelli takes a long goal kick
- 88': James McClean hits a good left footed shot, but it is off target. Outcome: blocked
- 88': Daniel Burn blocks the shot
- 89': Cauley Woodrow crosses the ball.
- 89': Jack Grimmer commits a foul on Chris McCann resulting on a free kick for Wigan Athletic
- 89': Gaetan Bong (Wigan Athletic) Free Kick at 89'
- 89': Chris McCann crosses the ball.
- 89': Jack Grimmer clears the ball from danger.
- 90': Jack Grimmer crosses the ball.
- 90': The referee has signaled the end of the second half
- 90': End of the game
- 90'+1': Scott Carson takes a long goal kick
- 90'+1': Throw-in: James Husband takes it (Attacking)
- 90'+2': Scott Carson takes a long goal kick
- 90'+2': Daniel Burn clears the ball from danger.
- 90'+2': Cauley Woodrow hits a good right footed shot, but it is off target. Outcome: blocked
- 90'+2': Gaetan Bong blocks the shot
- 90'+3': Martin Waghorn clears the ball from danger.
- 90'+3': Scott Parker hits a good left footed shot, but it is off target. Outcome: miss right
- 90'+4': Fulham makes a sub: Konstantinos Stafylidis enters for Ross McCormack. Reason: Tactical
- 90'+4': Scott Carson takes a long goal kick
- 90'+4': Throw-in: Jason Pearce takes it (Attacking)
- 90'+4': Konstantinos Stafylidis commits a foul on Kim Bo-Kyung resulting on a free kick for Wigan Athletic
- 90'+4': Kim Bo-Kyung (Wigan Athletic) Free Kick at 94'
- 90'+5': Throw-in: James Husband takes it (Defending)
![]() |
FUL![]() |
6 | Fouls | 13 |
0 | Yellow Cards | 2 |
0 | Red Cards | 0 |
4 | Offsides | 0 |
0 | Corner Kicks | 0 |
1 | Saves | 1 |
63 | Possession | 37 |
9 | SHOTS | 14 |
3 | ON GOAL | 3 |
0.3 | On Target % | 0.2 |
0 | Penalty Goals | 0 |
0 | Penalty Kicks Taken | 0 |
0 | Accurate Passes | 0 |
0 | Passes | 0 |
0.0 | Pass Completion % | 0.0 |
0 | Accurate Crosses | 0 |
12 | Crosses | 16 |
0.0 | Cross % | 0.0 |
0 | Long Balls | 0 |
0 | Accurate Long Balls | 0 |
0.0 | Long Balls % | 0.0 |
4 | Blocked Shots | 4 |
0 | Effective Tackles | 0 |
0 | Tackles | 0 |
0.0 | Tackle % | 0.0 |
0 | Interceptions | 0 |
0 | Effective Clearances | 0 |
6 | Clearances | 22 |
Game Information
Venue: Craven Cottage
Location: London, England
Attendance: 15,994
No. | Name |
40 | Marcus Bettinelli (GK) |
37 | Jack Grimmer |
18 | Michael Turner |
33 | Daniel Burn ![]() |
24 | James Husband |
2 | Tim Hoogland |
19 | Ryan Tunnicliffe |
8 | Scott Parker |
32 | Sean Kavanagh ![]() |
9 | Matt Smith |
44 | Ross McCormack |
Wigan Athletic
No. | Name |
1 | Scott Carson (GK) |
17 | Emmerson Boyce |
4 | Harry Maguire |
28 | Jason Pearce |
20 | Gaëtan Bong |
36 | William Kvist |
24 | James Perch |
15 | Jermaine Pennant |
11 | James McClean |
16 | Kim Bo-Kyung |
32 | Marc-Antoine Fortuné |
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