English League Championship

Blackburn Rovers vs Wolverhampton Wanderers, 2014-15 English League Championship, 2014/2015 English League Championship

· English League Championship
0 - 1
  • 48': David Edwards

Dave Edwards seals win for Wolves over Blackburn Rovers

Blackburn 0-1 Wolves

Match Timeline

  • 0': Game on!
  • 2': Throw-in: Dominic Iorfa takes it (Attacking)
  • 2': Throw-in: Alex Baptiste takes it (Attacking)
  • 3': Throw-in: Marcus Olsson takes it (Defending)
  • 3': Throw-in: Marcus Olsson takes it (Attacking)
  • 4': Ben Marshall hits a good right footed shot, but it is off target. Outcome: miss left
  • 4': Carl Ikeme takes a long goal kick
  • 6': Jason Steele takes a long goal kick
  • 6': Grant Hanley clears the ball from danger.
  • 7': Throw-in: Rajiv Van La Parra takes it (Attacking)
  • 7': Nouha Dicko hits an impressive right footed shot. Outcome: save
  • 7': Jason Steele makes the save (Parry)
  • 7': Danny Batth hits a good header, but it is off target. Outcome: miss right
  • 7': Alex Baptiste clears the ball from danger.
  • 7': Marcus Olsson clears the ball from danger.
  • 8': Handball called on Jordan Rhodes
  • 8': James Henry (Wolverhampton Wanderers) Free Kick at 8'
  • 8': Rudy Gestede clears the ball from danger.
  • 8': Lee Williamson clears the ball from danger.
  • 9': Marcus Olsson commits a foul on Dominic Iorfa resulting on a free kick for Wolverhampton Wanderers
  • 9': Dominic Iorfa (Wolverhampton Wanderers) Free Kick at 9'
  • 9': Grant Hanley clears the ball from danger.
  • 9': Alex Baptiste clears the ball from danger.
  • 9': James Henry crosses the ball.
  • 10': Marcus Olsson crosses the ball.
  • 10': Rudy Gestede hits a good header, but it is off target. Outcome: miss right
  • 10': Jordan Rhodes hits a good header, but it is off target. Outcome: over bar
  • 10': Carl Ikeme takes a long goal kick
  • 12': Carl Ikeme takes a long goal kick
  • 13': Throw-in: Kortney Hause takes it (Attacking)
  • 13': Rudy Gestede clears the ball from danger.
  • 14': Kevin McDonald crosses the ball.
  • 14': Grant Hanley clears the ball from danger.
  • 14': Grant Hanley clears the ball from danger.
  • 15': James Henry crosses the ball.
  • 15': Grant Hanley clears the ball from danger.
  • 15': James Henry crosses the ball.
  • 15': Jordan Rhodes clears the ball from danger.
  • 16': Throw-in: Marcus Olsson takes it (Attacking)
  • 16': Throw-in: Marcus Olsson takes it (Attacking)
  • 16': Throw-in: Dominic Iorfa takes it (Defending)
  • 16': Chris Taylor commits a foul on Dominic Iorfa resulting on a free kick for Wolverhampton Wanderers
  • 17': Kevin McDonald (Wolverhampton Wanderers) Free Kick at 17'
  • 17': Rudy Gestede clears the ball from danger.
  • 17': Shane Duffy clears the ball from danger.
  • 17': Rudy Gestede clears the ball from danger.
  • 18': Jason Steele takes a long goal kick
  • 18': Danny Batth clears the ball from danger.
  • 18': Throw-in: Marcus Olsson takes it (Attacking)
  • 20': Grant Hanley clears the ball from danger.
  • 21': Jason Steele takes a long goal kick
  • 21': Alex Baptiste crosses the ball.
  • 21': Richard Stearman clears the ball from danger.
  • 21': Throw-in: Alex Baptiste takes it (Attacking)
  • 22': Chris Taylor hits a good right footed shot, but it is off target. Outcome: over bar
  • 22': Carl Ikeme takes a long goal kick
  • 23': Rajiv Van La Parra crosses the ball.
  • 23': Shane Duffy clears the ball from danger.
  • 23': Rajiv Van La Parra crosses the ball.
  • 23': Marcus Olsson clears the ball from danger.
  • 23': Throw-in: Dominic Iorfa takes it (Attacking)
  • 24': Ben Marshall curls a good header, but it is off target. Outcome: miss left
  • 24': Jordan Rhodes crosses the ball.
  • 24': Carl Ikeme takes a long goal kick
  • 25': Chris Taylor commits a foul on Rajiv Van La Parra resulting on a free kick for Wolverhampton Wanderers
  • 27': James Henry (Wolverhampton Wanderers) Free Kick at 27'
  • 27': Grant Hanley clears the ball from danger.
  • 28': Carl Ikeme takes a long goal kick
  • 29': Throw-in: Dominic Iorfa takes it (Attacking)
  • 29': Marcus Olsson crosses the ball.
  • 30': Lee Williamson commits a foul on Nouha Dicko resulting on a free kick for Wolverhampton Wanderers
  • 30': James Henry (Wolverhampton Wanderers) Free Kick at 30'
  • 30': Rudy Gestede clears the ball from danger.
  • 31': Throw-in: Alex Baptiste takes it (Attacking)
  • 32': Throw-in: Kortney Hause takes it (Defending)
  • 32': Marcus Olsson crosses the ball.
  • 33': Carl Ikeme takes a long goal kick
  • 33': Throw-in: Ben Marshall takes it (Attacking)
  • 34': Richard Stearman commits a foul on Lee Williamson resulting on a free kick for Blackburn Rovers
  • 35': Ben Marshall (Blackburn Rovers) Free Kick at 35'
  • 35': Ben Marshall curls a good right footed shot. Outcome: save
  • 35': Carl Ikeme makes the save (Parry)
  • 36': Throw-in: Marcus Olsson takes it (Defending)
  • 39': Throw-in: Lee Williamson takes it (Defending)
  • 40': James Henry crosses the ball.
  • 40': Marcus Olsson clears the ball from danger.
  • 41': Danny Batth hits a good header, but it is off target. Outcome: blocked
  • 41': Jordan Rhodes blocks the shot
  • 41': Rudy Gestede clears the ball from danger.
  • 41': Ben Marshall clears the ball from danger.
  • 41': Kevin McDonald commits a foul on Chris Taylor resulting on a free kick for Blackburn Rovers
  • 42': Kevin McDonald is awarded a yellow card. Reason: unsporting behaviour
  • 42': Tom Cairney (Blackburn Rovers) Free Kick at 42'
  • 42': Jordan Rhodes hits a good right footed shot, but it is off target. Outcome: blocked
  • 42': Richard Stearman blocks the shot
  • 43': Richard Stearman clears the ball from danger.
  • 45': Chris Taylor crosses the ball.
  • 45': Jack Price clears the ball from danger.
  • 45': The referee has signaled the end of the first half
  • 45'+1': Throw-in: Alex Baptiste takes it (Defending)
  • 45'+1': Throw-in: Alex Baptiste takes it (Defending)
  • 45'+1': Kortney Hause clears the ball from danger.
  • 45'+2': Throw-in: Kortney Hause takes it (Defending)
  • 45'+2': Throw-in: Alex Baptiste takes it (Attacking)
  • 45'+3': Throw-in: Marcus Olsson takes it (Defending)
  • 45'+3': Throw-in: Ben Marshall takes it (Attacking)
  • 45'+3': Throw-in: Lee Williamson takes it (Attacking)
  • 45'+3': Shane Duffy clears the ball from danger.
  • 45'+4': Throw-in: Kevin McDonald takes it (Attacking)
  • 45'+4': Shane Duffy crosses the ball.
  • 45'+5': Carl Ikeme takes a long goal kick
  • 45'+5': Lee Williamson crosses the ball.
  • 45'+5': Kevin McDonald clears the ball from danger.
  • 45'+5': Marcus Olsson crosses the ball.
  • 45'+5': Jordan Rhodes hits a good header, but it is off target. Outcome: miss left
  • 45'+6': Carl Ikeme takes a long goal kick
  • 45': The second half is under way
  • 46': Dominic Iorfa clears the ball from danger.
  • 46': Richard Stearman clears the ball from danger.
  • 46': Throw-in: Lee Williamson takes it (Attacking)
  • 47': Throw-in: Dominic Iorfa takes it (Defending)
  • 47': Throw-in: Alex Baptiste takes it (Attacking)
  • 47': Offside called on Nouha Dicko
  • 48': Shane Duffy (Blackburn Rovers) Free Kick at 48'
  • 48': That last goal was assisted by Nouha Dicko
  • 48': David Edwards hits a good right footed shot. Outcome: goal
  • 48': Goal!! David Edwards hits a right footed shot to the lower left corner from the centre and scores!! Wolverhampton Wanderers now leads 1 - 0
  • 49': Danny Batth clears the ball from danger.
  • 50': Alex Baptiste crosses the ball.
  • 50': Throw-in: Marcus Olsson takes it (Defending)
  • 52': Kevin McDonald clears the ball from danger.
  • 52': Tom Cairney crosses the ball.
  • 52': Kortney Hause clears the ball from danger.
  • 52': Shane Duffy commits a foul on Rajiv Van La Parra resulting on a free kick for Wolverhampton Wanderers
  • 54': Kevin McDonald (Wolverhampton Wanderers) Free Kick at 54'
  • 54': Rudy Gestede clears the ball from danger.
  • 55': Chris Taylor commits a foul on Richard Stearman resulting on a free kick for Wolverhampton Wanderers
  • 55': Richard Stearman (Wolverhampton Wanderers) Free Kick at 55'
  • 55': Grant Hanley clears the ball from danger.
  • 56': Throw-in: Ben Marshall takes it (Attacking)
  • 56': Rajiv Van La Parra commits a foul on Ben Marshall resulting on a free kick for Blackburn Rovers
  • 56': Ben Marshall (Blackburn Rovers) Free Kick at 56'
  • 56': Dominic Iorfa clears the ball from danger.
  • 57': Kortney Hause clears the ball from danger.
  • 58': Carl Ikeme takes a long goal kick
  • 58': Throw-in: Dominic Iorfa takes it (Attacking)
  • 58': Marcus Olsson clears the ball from danger.
  • 59': Throw-in: Dominic Iorfa takes it (Attacking)
  • 59': Marcus Olsson clears the ball from danger.
  • 59': Shane Duffy clears the ball from danger.
  • 59': Jason Steele takes a long goal kick
  • 60': Ben Marshall crosses the ball.
  • 60': Dominic Iorfa clears the ball from danger.
  • 60': Ben Marshall crosses the ball.
  • 60': Dominic Iorfa clears the ball from danger.
  • 60': Offside called on Grant Hanley
  • 61': Carl Ikeme (Wolverhampton Wanderers) Free Kick at 61'
  • 61': Throw-in: Ben Marshall takes it (Defending)
  • 61': James Henry commits a foul on Chris Taylor resulting on a free kick for Blackburn Rovers
  • 62': Alex Baptiste (Blackburn Rovers) Free Kick at 62'
  • 62': Kortney Hause clears the ball from danger.
  • 62': Throw-in: Alex Baptiste takes it (Attacking)
  • 63': Throw-in: Alex Baptiste takes it (Attacking)
  • 64': Rajiv Van La Parra clears the ball from danger.
  • 64': Rudy Gestede hits an impressive right footed shot, but it is off target. Outcome: blocked
  • 64': Richard Stearman blocks the shot
  • 65': Ben Marshall crosses the ball.
  • 65': Richard Stearman clears the ball from danger.
  • 65': Jack Price clears the ball from danger.
  • 65': Marcus Olsson crosses the ball.
  • 66': Kortney Hause clears the ball from danger.
  • 66': Rajiv Van La Parra hits a good left footed shot, but it is off target. Outcome: miss left
  • 66': Jason Steele takes a long goal kick
  • 67': Throw-in: Kortney Hause takes it (Defending)
  • 67': Ben Marshall commits a foul on Dominic Iorfa resulting on a free kick for Wolverhampton Wanderers
  • 67': Ben Marshall is awarded a yellow card. Reason: unsporting behaviour
  • 68': James Henry (Wolverhampton Wanderers) Free Kick at 68'
  • 68': Danny Batth curls a good header, but it is off target. Outcome: over bar
  • 68': Jason Steele takes a long goal kick
  • 68': Richard Stearman clears the ball from danger.
  • 69': Kortney Hause clears the ball from danger.
  • 69': Throw-in: Alex Baptiste takes it (Attacking)
  • 70': Ben Marshall crosses the ball.
  • 70': Kortney Hause clears the ball from danger.
  • 70': Throw-in: Ben Marshall takes it (Defending)
  • 70': David Edwards hits a good right footed shot, but it is off target. Outcome: miss right
  • 71': Blackburn Rovers makes a sub: Craig Conway enters for Alex Baptiste. Reason: Tactical
  • 71': Jason Steele takes a long goal kick
  • 71': Throw-in: Kortney Hause takes it (Defending)
  • 72': Throw-in: Dominic Iorfa takes it (Defending)
  • 73': Nouha Dicko curls an impressive right footed shot, but it is off target. Outcome: hit bar
  • 73': Rajiv Van La Parra curls a good right footed shot, but it is off target. Outcome: miss right
  • 73': Jason Steele takes a long goal kick
  • 73': Richard Stearman clears the ball from danger.
  • 73': Kortney Hause clears the ball from danger.
  • 74': Craig Conway crosses the ball.
  • 74': Danny Batth clears the ball from danger.
  • 74': James Henry hits a good right footed shot, but it is off target. Outcome: over bar
  • 74': Blackburn Rovers makes a sub: Chris Brown enters for Rudy Gestede. Reason: Tactical
  • 75': Jason Steele takes a long goal kick
  • 75': Throw-in: Ben Marshall takes it (Attacking)
  • 75': Richard Stearman clears the ball from danger.
  • 76': Offside called on David Edwards
  • 76': Jason Steele (Blackburn Rovers) Free Kick at 76'
  • 77': Throw-in: Craig Conway takes it (Attacking)
  • 77': Throw-in: Dominic Iorfa takes it (Defending)
  • 78': Throw-in: Dominic Iorfa takes it (Defending)
  • 78': James Henry commits a foul on Grant Hanley resulting on a free kick for Blackburn Rovers
  • 78': Jason Steele (Blackburn Rovers) Free Kick at 78'
  • 79': Jordan Rhodes crosses the ball.
  • 79': Chris Brown commits a foul on Kevin McDonald resulting on a free kick for Wolverhampton Wanderers
  • 79': Richard Stearman (Wolverhampton Wanderers) Free Kick at 79'
  • 80': Offside called on Nouha Dicko
  • 80': Blackburn Rovers makes a sub: Joshua King enters for Lee Williamson. Reason: Tactical
  • 80': Jason Steele (Blackburn Rovers) Free Kick at 80'
  • 81': Throw-in: Marcus Olsson takes it (Attacking)
  • 82': Throw-in: Dominic Iorfa takes it (Attacking)
  • 82': Grant Hanley commits a foul on Nouha Dicko resulting on a free kick for Wolverhampton Wanderers
  • 82': Dominic Iorfa (Wolverhampton Wanderers) Free Kick at 82'
  • 83': James Henry commits a foul on Grant Hanley resulting on a free kick for Blackburn Rovers
  • 83': Jason Steele (Blackburn Rovers) Free Kick at 83'
  • 83': Throw-in: Marcus Olsson takes it (Attacking)
  • 84': Nouha Dicko hits a good left footed shot. Outcome: save
  • 84': Jason Steele makes the save (Other)
  • 84': Craig Conway crosses the ball.
  • 85': Craig Conway hits a good right footed shot. Outcome: save
  • 85': Carl Ikeme makes the save (Fumble)
  • 86': Throw-in: Dominic Iorfa takes it (Attacking)
  • 86': Wolverhampton Wanderers makes a sub: Matthew Doherty enters for Nouha Dicko. Reason: Tactical
  • 87': Throw-in: Dominic Iorfa takes it (Attacking)
  • 87': Throw-in: Dominic Iorfa takes it (Attacking)
  • 87': Throw-in: Ben Marshall takes it (Defending)
  • 88': Throw-in: Marcus Olsson takes it (Attacking)
  • 88': Throw-in: Marcus Olsson takes it (Attacking)
  • 89': Shane Duffy clears the ball from danger.
  • 89': James Henry commits a foul on Craig Conway resulting on a free kick for Blackburn Rovers
  • 89': Jason Steele (Blackburn Rovers) Free Kick at 89'
  • 90': Joshua King hits a good right footed shot. Outcome: save
  • 90': Carl Ikeme makes the save (Other)
  • 90': Throw-in: Marcus Olsson takes it (Defending)
  • 90': Kevin McDonald commits a foul on Joshua King resulting on a free kick for Blackburn Rovers
  • 90': The referee has signaled the end of the second half
  • 90': End of the game
  • 90'+1': Jason Steele (Blackburn Rovers) Free Kick at 91'
  • 90'+1': Danny Batth clears the ball from danger.
  • 90'+1': Throw-in: Marcus Olsson takes it (Attacking)
  • 90'+1': Throw-in: Marcus Olsson takes it (Attacking)
  • 90'+1': Marcus Olsson crosses the ball.
  • 90'+2': Wolverhampton Wanderers makes a sub: Ethan Ebanks-Landell enters for Jack Price. Reason: Tactical
  • 90'+3': Throw-in: Kortney Hause takes it (Defending)
  • 90'+3': David Edwards clears the ball from danger.
  • 90'+3': David Edwards clears the ball from danger.
  • 90'+3': Richard Stearman clears the ball from danger.
  • 90'+3': Grant Hanley commits a foul on Rajiv Van La Parra resulting on a free kick for Wolverhampton Wanderers
  • 90'+3': Grant Hanley is awarded a yellow card. Reason: unsporting behaviour
  • 90'+4': James Henry (Wolverhampton Wanderers) Free Kick at 94'
  • 90'+4': Jason Steele takes a short goal kick
  • 90'+5': Grant Hanley commits a foul on Rajiv Van La Parra resulting on a free kick for Wolverhampton Wanderers
  • 90'+5': David Edwards (Wolverhampton Wanderers) Free Kick at 95'
  • 90'+5': Throw-in: Matthew Doherty takes it (Attacking)
  • 90'+5': Marcus Olsson commits a foul on Rajiv Van La Parra resulting on a free kick for Wolverhampton Wanderers


https://a.espncdn.com/combiner/i?img=/i/teamlogos/soccer/500/380.png&h=25&scale=crop&w=25&location=originWOL BLKhttps://a.espncdn.com/combiner/i?img=/i/teamlogos/soccer/500/365.png&h=25&scale=crop&w=25&location=origin
8 Fouls 12
1 Yellow Cards 2
0 Red Cards 0
3 Offsides 1
0 Corner Kicks 0
3 Saves 2
41 Possession 59
11 SHOTS 11
0.3 On Target % 0.3
0 Penalty Goals 0
0 Penalty Kicks Taken 0
0 Accurate Passes 0
0 Passes 0
0.0 Pass Completion % 0.0
0 Accurate Crosses 0
7 Crosses 20
0.0 Cross % 0.0
0 Long Balls 0
0 Accurate Long Balls 0
0.0 Long Balls % 0.0
2 Blocked Shots 1
0 Effective Tackles 0
0 Tackles 0
0.0 Tackle % 0.0
0 Interceptions 0
0 Effective Clearances 0
31 Clearances 30

Game Information

Competition: English League Championship

Venue: Ewood Park
Location: Blackburn, England
Attendance: 15,355


BLK Blackburn Rovers

No. Name
30 Jason Steele (GK)
15 Alex Baptiste
5 Grant Hanley Yellow Card
22 Shane Duffy
14 Markus Olsson
19 Chris Taylor
10 Tom Cairney
17 Lee Williamson
12 Ben Marshall Yellow Card
11 Jordan Rhodes
39 Rudy Gestede

WOL Wolverhampton Wanderers

No. Name
1 Carl Ikeme (GK)
33 Dominic Iorfa
6 Danny Batth
5 Richard Stearman
30 Kortney Hause
19 Jack Price
11 Kevin McDonald Yellow Card
7 James Henry
4 David Edwards
17 Rajiv van La Parra
40 Nouha Dicko

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