UEFA Europa League

PSV Eindhoven vs Chornomorets, 2013/14 UEFA Europa League, 2013 First Round

· UEFA Europa League
0 - 1
  • 59': Franck Dja Djedje
  • Red Card 87': Sito Riera


PSV Eindhoven are hosting Chornomorets at Philips Stadion, Eindhoven, Netherlands, starting on . The match is a part of the UEFA Europa League.

Match Timeline

  • 0': Game on!
  • 1': Throw-in: dos Santos Anderson Santana takes it (Defending)
  • 1': Pablo Fontanello commits a foul on Memphis Depay resulting on a free kick for PSV Eindhoven
  • 1': Pablo Fontanello is awarded a yellow card. Reason: unsporting behaviour
  • 2': Memphis Depay takes a direct freekick with his right foot from the left channel. Outcome: shot
  • 2': Memphis Depay drills a right footed shot, but it is off target. Outcome: hit wall
  • 4': Throw-in: Evgeniy Zubeyko takes it (Attacking)
  • 5': Franck Djadjedje commits a foul on Jorrit Hendrix resulting on a free kick for PSV Eindhoven
  • 6': Jorrit Hendrix takes a direct freekick with his right foot from the left channel. Outcome: pass
  • 6': Kirill Kovalchuk takes the corner kick from the left byline with his right foot and hits an inswinger to the near post, resulting in: clearance
  • 6': Karim Rekik clears the ball from danger.
  • 7': Aleksey Antonov commits a foul on Karim Rekik resulting on a free kick for PSV Eindhoven
  • 7': Karim Rekik takes a direct freekick with his left foot from the left wing. Outcome: cross
  • 7': Karim Rekik crosses the ball. Outcome: save
  • 7': Dmitri Bezotosny makes a very good save (Catch)
  • 8': Karim Rekik commits a foul on Sito Riera resulting on a free kick for Chornomorets
  • 8': Evgeniy Zubeyko takes a direct freekick with his right foot from his own half. Outcome: pass
  • 9': Throw-in: Jetro Willems takes it (Defending)
  • 9': Sito Riera commits a foul on Jurgen Locadia resulting on a free kick for PSV Eindhoven
  • 9': Jorrit Hendrix takes a direct freekick with his right foot from the left channel. Outcome: pass
  • 10': Throw-in: Jetro Willems takes it (Attacking)
  • 10': Throw-in: Evgeniy Zubeyko takes it (Defending)
  • 10': Karim Rekik commits a foul on Aleksey Antonov resulting on a free kick for Chornomorets
  • 10': Ivan Bobko takes a direct freekick with his right foot from the right wing. Outcome: pass
  • 11': Kirill Kovalchuk crosses the ball. Outcome: clearance
  • 11': Karim Rekik clears the ball from danger.
  • 11': Jetro Willems commits a foul on Aleksey Antonov resulting on a free kick for Chornomorets
  • 12': Aleksey Antonov takes a direct freekick with his right foot from his own half. Outcome: pass
  • 12': Luciano Narsingh crosses the ball. Outcome: out of play
  • 12': Dmitri Bezotosny takes a long goal kick
  • 13': Sito Riera commits a foul on Santiago Arias resulting on a free kick for PSV Eindhoven
  • 13': Santiago Arias takes a direct freekick with his right foot from his own half. Outcome: pass
  • 14': Memphis Depay commits a foul on Evgeniy Zubeyko resulting on a free kick for Chornomorets
  • 14': Kirill Kovalchuk takes a direct freekick with his right foot from his own half. Outcome: pass
  • 19': Jorrit Hendrix drills a good left footed shot. Outcome: save
  • 19': Dmitri Bezotosny makes a very good save (Catch)
  • 20': Memphis Depay hits a good right footed shot. Outcome: save
  • 20': Dmitri Bezotosny makes a very good save (Catch)
  • 22': Jorrit Hendrix drills a good left footed shot. Outcome: save
  • 22': Dmitri Bezotosny makes a very good save (Round Post)
  • 22': Luciano Narsingh takes the corner kick from the left byline with his right foot and hits an inswinger to the centre, resulting in: save
  • 22': Dmitri Bezotosny makes a very good save (Fumble)
  • 23': Santiago Arias commits a foul on Sito Riera resulting on a free kick for Chornomorets
  • 23': Sito Riera takes a direct freekick with his left foot from the left channel. Outcome: pass
  • 23': Jurgen Locadia drills a left footed shot. Outcome: blocked
  • 24': Petro Kovalchuk blocks the shot
  • 24': Throw-in: Jetro Willems takes it (Attacking)
  • 24': Throw-in: Evgeniy Zubeyko takes it (Attacking)
  • 25': Jeroen Zoet takes a short goal kick
  • 25': Throw-in: Evgeniy Zubeyko takes it (Defending)
  • 28': Throw-in: Santiago Arias takes it (Attacking)
  • 29': Dmitri Bezotosny takes a long goal kick
  • 29': Evgeniy Zubeyko commits a foul on Santiago Arias resulting on a free kick for PSV Eindhoven
  • 30': Santiago Arias takes a direct freekick with his left foot from the left channel. Outcome: pass
  • 30': Throw-in: Evgeniy Zubeyko takes it (Attacking)
  • 31': Jurgen Locadia crosses the ball. Outcome: out of play
  • 31': Dmitri Bezotosny takes a long goal kick
  • 32': Dmitri Bezotosny takes a long goal kick
  • 32': Oleksiy Gai lobs a right footed shot, but it is off target. Outcome: miss left
  • 33': Jeroen Zoet takes a long goal kick
  • 34': Adam Maher drills a good right footed shot. Outcome: blocked
  • 34': Petro Kovalchuk blocks the shot
  • 37': Jorrit Hendrix drills a left footed shot, but it is off target. Outcome: over bar
  • 38': Dmitri Bezotosny takes a long goal kick
  • 38': dos Santos Anderson Santana commits a foul on Oscar Hiljemark resulting on a free kick for PSV Eindhoven
  • 38': Santiago Arias takes a direct freekick with his right foot from his own half. Outcome: pass
  • 39': Luciano Narsingh crosses the ball. Outcome: save
  • 40': Dmitri Bezotosny makes a very good save (Parry)
  • 40': Oscar Hiljemark takes the corner kick from the right byline with his right foot and hits an outswinger to the centre, resulting in: clearance
  • 40': Pablo Fontanello clears the ball from danger.
  • 41': Petro Kovalchuk commits a foul on Jurgen Locadia resulting on a free kick for PSV Eindhoven
  • 42': Jetro Willems takes a direct freekick with his right foot from the left channel. Outcome: pass
  • 42': Jurgen Locadia drills a good right footed shot. Outcome: save
  • 42': Dmitri Bezotosny makes a very good save (Parry)
  • 44': Throw-in: Evgeniy Zubeyko takes it (Attacking)
  • 45': The referee has signaled the end of the first half
  • 45'+1': Aleksey Antonov hits(volley) a right footed shot, but it is off target. Outcome: miss left
  • 45'+1': Jeroen Zoet takes a long goal kick
  • 45': The second half is under way
  • 46': Jurgen Locadia commits a foul on Evgeniy Zubeyko resulting on a free kick for Chornomorets
  • 46': Evgeniy Zubeyko takes a direct freekick with his right foot from his own half. Outcome: pass
  • 48': Throw-in: Santiago Arias takes it (Attacking)
  • 49': Jurgen Locadia hits(volley) a right footed shot, but it is off target. Outcome: over bar
  • 49': Dmitri Bezotosny takes a long goal kick
  • 50': Jurgen Locadia commits a foul on Evgeniy Zubeyko resulting on a free kick for Chornomorets
  • 50': Evgeniy Zubeyko takes a direct freekick with his right foot from his own half. Outcome: open play
  • 51': Throw-in: Santiago Arias takes it (Attacking)
  • 51': Sito Riera crosses the ball. Outcome: open play
  • 52': Adam Maher curls a good right footed shot. Outcome: save
  • 52': Dmitri Bezotosny makes an outstanding save (Parry)
  • 53': Offside called on Franck Djadjedje
  • 54': Jeroen Zoet takes an indirect freekick with his right foot from his own half. Outcome: open play
  • 55': Throw-in: Evgeniy Zubeyko takes it (Defending)
  • 56': Throw-in: Santiago Arias takes it (Defending)
  • 56': Santiago Arias commits a foul on Sito Riera resulting on a free kick for Chornomorets
  • 56': Sito Riera takes a direct freekick with his right foot from the left wing. Outcome: open play
  • 57': Ivan Bobko takes the corner kick from the right byline with his left foot and hits an inswinger to the centre, resulting in: open play
  • 58': Franck Djadjedje commits a foul on Santiago Arias resulting on a free kick for PSV Eindhoven
  • 58': Santiago Arias takes a direct freekick with his right foot from his own half. Outcome: pass
  • 59': Oleksiy Gai crosses the ball. Outcome: shot
  • 59': That last goal was assisted by Oleksiy Gai (Cross from Right Channel)
  • 59': Franck Djadjedje curls an impressive header. Outcome: goal
  • 59': Goal!! Franck Djadjedje hits a very good header high through the middle from the centre penalty area (aprox. 18 yards) and scores!! Chornomorets now leads 1 - 0
  • 62': Kirill Kovalchuk commits a foul on Santiago Arias resulting on a free kick for PSV Eindhoven
  • 62': Kirill Kovalchuk is awarded a yellow card. Reason: unsporting behaviour
  • 63': Memphis Depay takes a direct freekick with his right foot from the right channel. Outcome: shot
  • 63': Memphis Depay drills a right footed shot, but it is off target. Outcome: hit wall
  • 66': PSV Eindhoven makes a sub: Park Ji-Sung enters for Jetro Willems. Reason: Tactical
  • 66': Throw-in: Luciano Narsingh takes it (Attacking)
  • 67': Oscar Hiljemark drills a good right footed shot. Outcome: save
  • 67': Dmitri Bezotosny makes a good save (Catch)
  • 70': Memphis Depay hits(volley) a right footed shot, but it is off target. Outcome: over bar
  • 70': Dmitri Bezotosny takes a long goal kick
  • 72': Throw-in: Evgeniy Zubeyko takes it (Attacking)
  • 72': Throw-in: Evgeniy Zubeyko takes it (Attacking)
  • 75': PSV Eindhoven makes a sub: Ola Toivonen enters for Oscar Hiljemark. Reason: Tactical
  • 75': Throw-in: Santiago Arias takes it (Defending)
  • 76': Throw-in: Santiago Arias takes it (Attacking)
  • 78': Jorrit Hendrix hits(volley) an impressive right footed shot. Outcome: save
  • 78': Dmitri Bezotosny makes a very good save (Round Post)
  • 78': Luciano Narsingh takes the corner kick from the right byline with his right foot and hits an outswinger to the centre, resulting in: clearance
  • 78': Pablo Fontanello clears the ball from danger.
  • 78': Jorrit Hendrix commits a foul on Pablo Fontanello resulting on a free kick for Chornomorets
  • 79': Chornomorets makes a sub: Anatoli Didenko enters for Oleksiy Gai. Reason: Tactical
  • 80': PSV Eindhoven makes a sub: Zakaria Bakkali enters for Luciano Narsingh. Reason: Tactical
  • 80': Pablo Fontanello takes a direct freekick with his right foot from his own half. Outcome: open play
  • 81': Jeroen Zoet takes a long goal kick
  • 81': Chornomorets makes a sub: Leonardo de Matos Cruz enters for Franck Djadjedje. Reason: Tactical
  • 81': Throw-in: Evgeniy Zubeyko takes it (Attacking)
  • 82': Zakaria Bakkali commits a foul on Kirill Kovalchuk resulting on a free kick for Chornomorets
  • 82': Zakaria Bakkali is awarded a yellow card. Reason: unsporting behaviour
  • 83': dos Santos Anderson Santana takes a direct freekick with his left foot from his own half. Outcome: open play
  • 83': Kirill Kovalchuk takes the corner kick from the right byline with his left foot and hits an inswinger to the centre, resulting in: clearance
  • 84': Mathias Zanka Jorgensen clears the ball from danger.
  • 84': Santiago Arias crosses the ball. Outcome: out of play
  • 85': Dmitri Bezotosny is awarded a yellow card. Reason: time wasting
  • 85': Dmitri Bezotosny takes a long goal kick
  • 87': Sito Riera has been shown the red card and will no longer take part of this game! Reason: violent conduct
  • 87': Adam Maher is awarded a yellow card. Reason: persistent infringement
  • 88': Throw-in: Santiago Arias takes it (Defending)
  • 90': Ola Toivonen hits(volley) a right footed shot, but it is off target. Outcome: miss left
  • 90': Dmitri Bezotosny takes a long goal kick
  • 90': The referee has signaled the end of the second half
  • 90': End of the game
  • 90'+1': Throw-in: Evgeniy Zubeyko takes it (Defending)
  • 90'+1': Throw-in: Santiago Arias takes it (Defending)
  • 90'+2': Memphis Depay hits a good right footed shot. Outcome: save
  • 90'+2': Dmitri Bezotosny makes a very good save (Catch)
  • 90'+2': Throw-in: Adam Maher takes it (Attacking)
  • 90'+3': Handball called on Karim Rekik
  • 90'+3': Chornomorets makes a sub: Pavel Kutas enters for Aleksey Antonov. Reason: Tactical
  • 90'+3': Dmitri Bezotosny takes an indirect freekick with his right foot from his own half. Outcome: open play


Chornomorets PSVhttps://a.espncdn.com/combiner/i?img=/i/teamlogos/soccer/500/148.png&h=25&scale=crop&w=25&location=origin
10 Fouls 10
3 Yellow Cards 2
1 Red Cards 0
1 Offsides 0
3 Corner Kicks 3
11 Saves 0
43 Possession 57
2 SHOTS 16
0 ON GOAL 10
0.0 On Target % 0.6
0 Penalty Goals 0
0 Penalty Kicks Taken 0
0 Accurate Passes 0
0 Passes 0
0.0 Pass Completion % 0.0
2 Accurate Crosses 0
3 Crosses 5
0.7 Cross % 0.0
0 Long Balls 0
0 Accurate Long Balls 0
0.0 Long Balls % 0.0
2 Blocked Shots 0
0 Effective Tackles 0
0 Tackles 0
0.0 Tackle % 0.0
0 Interceptions 0
0 Effective Clearances 0
2 Clearances 3

Game Information

Competition: UEFA Europa League

Venue: Philips Stadion
Location: Eindhoven, Netherlands
Attendance: 24,000


PSV PSV Eindhoven

No. Name
21 Jeroen Zoet (GK)
13 Santiago Arias
3 Karim Rekik
2 Mathias Jorgensen
15 Jetro Willems
29 Jorrit Hendrix
6 Adam Maher Yellow Card
27 Oscar Hiljemark
17 Luciano Narsingh
11 Jürgen Locadia
22 Memphis Depay

Chornomorets Chornomorets

No. Name
12 Dmitriy Bezotosnyi (GK) Yellow Card
42 Evgeniy Zubeyko
2 Petro Kovalchuk
29 Pablo Fontanello Yellow Card
55 dos Santos Anderson Santana
8 Kirill Kovalchuk Yellow Card
10 Oleksiy Gai
11 Ivan Bobko
99 Sito Riera Red Card
69 Oleksiy Antonov
23 Franck Dja Djedje

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