FIFA World Cup Qualifying - UEFA

Hungary vs Turkey, 2014 World Cup Qualifying - UEFA, Playoffs

· FIFA World Cup Qualifying - UEFA
  • 31': Vladimir Koman
  • 50': Ádám Szalai
  • 58': Zoltan Gera (P)
3 - 1
  • 22': Mevlut Erdinç


Hungary are hosting Turkey at Ferenc Puskas Stadion, Budapest, , starting on . The match is a part of the FIFA World Cup Qualifying - UEFA.

Match Timeline

  • 0': Game on!
  • 1': Throw-in: Vilmos Vanczak takes it (Attacking)
  • 2': Tamas Kadar commits a foul on Nuri Sahin resulting on a free kick for Turkey
  • 2': Hamit Altintop takes a direct freekick with his left foot from the left channel. Outcome: open play
  • 2': Throw-in: Hamit Altintop takes it (Attacking)
  • 3': Nuri Sahin takes the corner kick from the right byline with his left foot and hits an inswinger to the centre, resulting in: shot
  • 3': Belozoglu Emre hits a good right footed shot, but it is off target. Outcome: miss right
  • 4': Nuri Sahin takes the corner kick from the right byline with his left foot and hits an inswinger to the near post, resulting in: open play
  • 4': Omar Toprak commits a foul on Adám Szalai resulting on a free kick for Hungary
  • 4': Zoltan Gera takes a direct freekick with his right foot from the left channel. Outcome: open play
  • 5': Throw-in: Tunay Torun takes it (Attacking)
  • 6': Adam Bogdan makes a good save (Catch)
  • 7': Mevlut Erding hits a good right footed shot. Outcome: save
  • 7': Adam Bogdan makes a very good save (Catch)
  • 7': Adám Szalai commits a foul on Egeman Korkmaz resulting on a free kick for Turkey
  • 7': Egeman Korkmaz takes a direct freekick with his right foot from his own half. Outcome: open play
  • 7': Vilmos Vanczak commits a foul on Caner Erkin resulting on a free kick for Turkey
  • 7': Nuri Sahin takes a direct freekick with his left foot from the left wing. Outcome: open play
  • 8': Zsolt Korcsmar commits a foul on Nuri Sahin resulting on a free kick for Turkey
  • 8': Hamit Altintop takes a direct freekick with his right foot from the right channel. Outcome: shot
  • 9': Hamit Altintop curls a good right footed shot, but it is off target. Outcome: over bar
  • 9': Adam Bogdan takes a long goal kick
  • 9': Egeman Korkmaz commits a foul on Adám Szalai resulting on a free kick for Hungary
  • 9': Tamas Hajnal takes a direct freekick with his right foot from the right channel. Outcome: shot
  • 10': Tamas Hajnal drills a right footed shot, but it is off target. Outcome: over bar
  • 10': Volkan Demirel takes a long goal kick
  • 11': Hamit Altintop crosses the ball. Outcome: blocked
  • 11': Akos Elek blocks the cross
  • 12': Caner Erkin commits a foul on Vilmos Vanczak resulting on a free kick for Hungary
  • 12': Tamas Hajnal takes a direct freekick with his right foot from his own half. Outcome: open play
  • 14': Volkan Demirel takes a long goal kick
  • 16': Akos Elek commits a foul on Belozoglu Emre resulting on a free kick for Turkey
  • 16': Akos Elek is awarded a yellow card. Reason: unsporting behaviour
  • 17': Nuri Sahin takes a direct freekick with his left foot from the right channel. Outcome: open play
  • 18': Mehmet Ekici drills a good right footed shot. Outcome: save
  • 18': Adam Bogdan makes a good save (Catch)
  • 18': Offside called on Adám Szalai
  • 18': Egeman Korkmaz takes an indirect freekick with his left foot from his own half. Outcome: open play
  • 19': Hasan Kaldirim crosses the ball. Outcome: clearance
  • 19': Tamas Kadar clears the ball from danger.
  • 20': Tunay Torun takes the corner kick from the right byline with his left foot and hits an inswinger to the centre, resulting in: open play
  • 20': Throw-in: Vilmos Vanczak takes it (Defending)
  • 20': Tunay Torun commits a foul on Akos Elek resulting on a free kick for Hungary
  • 20': Tamas Kadar takes a direct freekick with his right foot from his own half. Outcome: open play
  • 21': Throw-in: Hamit Altintop takes it (Attacking)
  • 22': Throw-in: Hasan Kaldirim takes it (Attacking)
  • 22': Throw-in: Hasan Kaldirim takes it (Attacking)
  • 22': Caner Erkin crosses the ball. Outcome: shot
  • 22': Mevlut Erding hits a good right footed shot. Outcome: goal
  • 22': Goal!! Mevlut Erding hits a very good right footed shot to the lower left corner from the centre penalty area (aprox. 12 yards) and scores!! Turkey now leads 1 - 0
  • 23': That last goal was assisted by Mevlut Erding (Cross from Left Wing)
  • 23': Adám Szalai commits a foul on Mehmet Ekici resulting on a free kick for Turkey
  • 23': Omar Toprak takes a direct freekick with his right foot from his own half. Outcome: open play
  • 24': Vladimir Koman commits a foul on Hamit Altintop resulting on a free kick for Turkey
  • 24': Hamit Altintop takes a direct freekick with his right foot from the right wing. Outcome: open play
  • 25': Throw-in: Tunay Torun takes it (Attacking)
  • 25': Tunay Torun crosses the ball. Outcome: clearance
  • 25': Akos Elek clears the ball from danger.
  • 26': Throw-in: Hamit Altintop takes it (Defending)
  • 26': Throw-in: Tunay Torun takes it (Attacking)
  • 26': Belozoglu Emre crosses the ball. Outcome: out of play
  • 27': Adam Bogdan takes a long goal kick
  • 27': Adam Bogdan takes a long goal kick
  • 28': Mehmet Ekici commits a foul on Zoltan Gera resulting on a free kick for Hungary
  • 28': Tamas Hajnal takes a direct freekick with his right foot from the right channel. Outcome: cross
  • 29': Tamas Hajnal crosses the ball. Outcome: clearance
  • 29': Hasan Kaldirim clears the ball from danger.
  • 29': Zsolt Korcsmar hits a good right footed shot, but it is off target. Outcome: open play
  • 30': Tamas Hajnal takes the corner kick from the left byline with his right foot and hits an inswinger to the near post, resulting in: shot
  • 30': Vladimir Koman hits a right footed shot, but it is off target. Outcome: open play
  • 31': Tunay Torun is awarded a yellow card. Reason: dissent
  • 31': Tamas Hajnal takes the corner kick from the right byline with his right foot and hits an outswinger to the centre, resulting in: clearance
  • 31': Tunay Torun clears the ball from danger.
  • 31': Vladimir Koman crosses the ball. Outcome: goal
  • 31': Goal!! Vladimir Koman hits a very good left footed shot to the lower left corner from the left wing (aprox. 20 yards) and scores!! The game is now tied at 1
  • 34': Adám Szalai commits a foul on Nuri Sahin resulting on a free kick for Turkey
  • 34': Egeman Korkmaz takes a direct freekick with his right foot from his own half. Outcome: open play
  • 35': Hasan Kaldirim crosses the ball. Outcome: shot
  • 35': Nuri Sahin hits a good left footed shot, but it is off target. Outcome: over bar
  • 35': Adam Bogdan takes a long goal kick
  • 36': Belozoglu Emre commits a foul on Tamas Hajnal resulting on a free kick for Hungary
  • 36': Zsolt Korcsmar takes a direct freekick with his left foot from his own half. Outcome: open play
  • 36': Volkan Demirel takes a long goal kick
  • 37': Akos Elek commits a foul on Nuri Sahin resulting on a free kick for Turkey
  • 37': Belozoglu Emre takes a direct freekick with his left foot from the right channel. Outcome: open play
  • 37': Caner Erkin crosses the ball. Outcome: out of play
  • 37': Adam Bogdan takes a long goal kick
  • 38': Offside called on Tunay Torun
  • 38': Adam Bogdan takes a direct freekick with his right foot from his own half. Outcome: open play
  • 39': Adám Szalai crosses the ball. Outcome: clearance
  • 39': Hasan Kaldirim clears the ball from danger.
  • 39': Tamas Hajnal takes the corner kick from the left byline with his right foot and hits an outswinger to the centre, resulting in: open play
  • 41': Belozoglu Emre commits a foul on Jozsef Varga resulting on a free kick for Hungary
  • 41': Zsolt Korcsmar takes a direct freekick with his right foot from the right wing. Outcome: open play
  • 41': Vladimir Koman hits a good right footed shot, but it is off target. Outcome: miss left
  • 42': Tamas Hajnal takes the corner kick from the right byline with his right foot and hits an outswinger to the centre, resulting in: shot
  • 42': Zsolt Korcsmar hits a good header, but it is off target. Outcome: miss left
  • 42': Volkan Demirel takes a long goal kick
  • 44': Tamas Hajnal crosses the ball. Outcome: shot
  • 44': Adám Szalai hits a good right footed shot, but it is off target. Outcome: miss right
  • 44': Vladimir Koman takes the corner kick from the left byline with his right foot and hits a floater to the near post, resulting in: save
  • 45': Volkan Demirel makes a very good save (Catch)
  • 45': Throw-in: Hasan Kaldirim takes it (Defending)
  • 45': The referee has signaled the end of the first half
  • 45'+1': Throw-in: Hasan Kaldirim takes it (Defending)
  • 45'+1': Throw-in: Vilmos Vanczak takes it (Attacking)
  • 45'+2': Offside called on Tamas Kadar
  • 45'+2': Hamit Altintop takes an indirect freekick with his right foot from his own half. Outcome: open play
  • 45': The second half is under way
  • 46': Hungary makes a sub: Mate Patkai enters for Akos Elek. Reason: Tactical
  • 46': Turkey makes a sub: Aydin Yilmaz enters for Tunay Torun. Reason: Tactical
  • 46': Throw-in: Vilmos Vanczak takes it (Defending)
  • 46': Throw-in: Vilmos Vanczak takes it (Attacking)
  • 47': Throw-in: Hasan Kaldirim takes it (Defending)
  • 47': Mevlut Erding commits a foul on Vilmos Vanczak resulting on a free kick for Hungary
  • 47': Zsolt Korcsmar takes a direct freekick with his right foot from the right wing. Outcome: open play
  • 48': Throw-in: Vladimir Koman takes it (Attacking)
  • 49': Tamas Hajnal crosses the ball. Outcome: out of play
  • 49': Volkan Demirel takes a long goal kick
  • 49': Throw-in: Vilmos Vanczak takes it (Defending)
  • 50': Tamas Kadar crosses the ball. Outcome: shot
  • 50': Adám Szalai hits a good right footed shot. Outcome: goal
  • 50': Goal!! Adám Szalai hits a very good right footed shot to the lower right corner from the right 6 yard (aprox. 6 yards) and scores!! Hungary now leads 2 - 1
  • 51': That last goal was assisted by Tamas Kadar (Cross from Left Wing)
  • 51': Throw-in: Vilmos Vanczak takes it (Attacking)
  • 52': Tamas Hajnal commits a foul on Mehmet Ekici resulting on a free kick for Turkey
  • 52': Tamas Hajnal is awarded a yellow card. Reason: unsporting behaviour
  • 52': Belozoglu Emre takes a direct freekick with his left foot from his own half. Outcome: open play
  • 54': Adám Szalai commits a foul on Omar Toprak resulting on a free kick for Turkey
  • 54': Belozoglu Emre takes a direct freekick with his left foot from his own half. Outcome: open play
  • 55': Throw-in: Hasan Kaldirim takes it (Attacking)
  • 56': Aydin Yilmaz commits a foul on Vladimir Koman resulting on a free kick for Hungary
  • 56': Adam Bogdan takes a direct freekick with his right foot from his own half. Outcome: open play
  • 57': Hamit Altintop commits a foul on Vladimir Koman resulting on a penalty for Hungary
  • 57': Hamit Altintop is awarded a yellow card. Reason: unsporting behaviour
  • 58': Zoltan Gera powers the penalty kick with his right foot to the upper left corner and scores!! The goalkeeper was nowhere near the shot.
  • 59': Throw-in: Vilmos Vanczak takes it (Defending)
  • 60': Hamit Altintop crosses the ball. Outcome: clearance
  • 60': Tamas Kadar clears the ball from danger.
  • 60': Egeman Korkmaz commits a foul on Adám Szalai resulting on a free kick for Hungary
  • 61': Egeman Korkmaz is awarded a yellow card. Reason: unsporting behaviour
  • 61': Tamas Hajnal takes a direct freekick with his right foot from his own half. Outcome: open play
  • 63': Throw-in: Hasan Kaldirim takes it (Attacking)
  • 64': Turkey makes a sub: Sercan Sararer enters for Mehmet Ekici. Reason: Tactical
  • 64': Throw-in: Hasan Kaldirim takes it (Attacking)
  • 65': Throw-in: Sercan Sararer takes it (Attacking)
  • 65': Throw-in: Caner Erkin takes it (Defending)
  • 66': Throw-in: Vilmos Vanczak takes it (Defending)
  • 67': Throw-in: Tamas Kadar takes it (Defending)
  • 68': Hamit Altintop commits a foul on Jozsef Varga resulting on a free kick for Hungary
  • 68': Adam Bogdan takes a direct freekick with his right foot from his own half. Outcome: open play
  • 69': Throw-in: Vilmos Vanczak takes it (Defending)
  • 69': Adám Szalai commits a foul on Egeman Korkmaz resulting on a free kick for Turkey
  • 69': Egeman Korkmaz takes a direct freekick with his right foot from his own half. Outcome: open play
  • 70': Throw-in: Hamit Altintop takes it (Defending)
  • 71': Aydin Yilmaz drills a good right footed shot. Outcome: save
  • 72': Adam Bogdan makes a very good save (Parry)
  • 72': Offside called on Adám Szalai
  • 72': Omar Toprak takes an indirect freekick with his right foot from his own half. Outcome: open play
  • 73': Volkan Demirel takes a long goal kick
  • 73': Hungary makes a sub: Tamas Koltai enters for Vladimir Koman. Reason: Tactical
  • 74': Nuri Sahin commits a foul on Tamas Hajnal resulting on a free kick for Hungary
  • 74': Adam Bogdan takes a direct freekick with his right foot from his own half. Outcome: open play
  • 74': Turkey makes a sub: Umut Bulut enters for Caner Erkin. Reason: Tactical
  • 76': Throw-in: Hasan Kaldirim takes it (Attacking)
  • 77': Throw-in: Aydin Yilmaz takes it (Attacking)
  • 77': Sercan Sararer takes the corner kick from the left byline with his right foot and hits an inswinger to the centre, resulting in: save
  • 77': Hungary makes a sub: Adam Pinter enters for Tamas Hajnal. Reason: Tactical
  • 78': Adam Bogdan makes a very good save (Catch)
  • 79': Adam Pinter commits a foul on Mevlut Erding resulting on a free kick for Turkey
  • 79': Belozoglu Emre takes a direct freekick with his left foot from his own half. Outcome: open play
  • 80': Throw-in: Hamit Altintop takes it (Defending)
  • 80': Offside called on Mevlut Erding
  • 81': Adam Bogdan takes an indirect freekick with his right foot from his own half. Outcome: open play
  • 81': Omar Toprak commits a foul on Adám Szalai resulting on a free kick for Hungary
  • 81': Mate Patkai takes a direct freekick with his right foot from the right channel. Outcome: open play
  • 83': Volkan Demirel takes a long goal kick
  • 85': Umut Bulut commits a foul on Vilmos Vanczak resulting on a free kick for Hungary
  • 85': Adam Bogdan takes a direct freekick with his right foot from his own half. Outcome: open play
  • 86': Handball called on Zoltan Gera
  • 86': Zoltan Gera is awarded a yellow card. Reason: persistent infringement
  • 86': Sercan Sararer takes a direct freekick with his right foot from the right wing. Outcome: cross
  • 87': Sercan Sararer crosses the ball. Outcome: out of play
  • 87': Adam Bogdan takes a long goal kick
  • 87': Throw-in: Tamas Kadar takes it (Attacking)
  • 88': Throw-in: Hamit Altintop takes it (Defending)
  • 89': Volkan Demirel takes a long goal kick
  • 89': Mevlut Erding hits a right footed shot. Outcome: save
  • 89': Adam Bogdan makes a very good save (Catch)
  • 90': Throw-in: Sercan Sararer takes it (Attacking)
  • 90': The referee has signaled the end of the second half
  • 90': End of the game
  • 90'+1': Throw-in: Vilmos Vanczak takes it (Defending)
  • 90'+2': Offside called on Mevlut Erding
  • 90'+2': Adam Bogdan takes an indirect freekick with his right foot from his own half. Outcome: open play
  • 90'+2': Throw-in: Tamas Kadar takes it (Attacking)
  • 90'+3': Omar Toprak commits a foul on Adám Szalai resulting on a free kick for Hungary
  • 90'+3': Zoltan Gera takes a direct freekick with his right foot from the left wing. Outcome: shot
  • 90'+3': Omar Toprak is awarded a yellow card. Reason: unsporting behaviour
  • 90'+3': Zoltan Gera drills a good right footed shot, but it is off target. Outcome: miss left
  • 90'+4': Volkan Demirel takes a long goal kick
  • 90'+4': Throw-in: Hasan Kaldirim takes it (Defending)
  • 90'+4': Throw-in: Hasan Kaldirim takes it (Attacking)

Statistics HUN
16 Fouls 13
4 Yellow Cards 3
0 Red Cards 0
3 Offsides 3
4 Corner Kicks 5
1 Saves 6
50 Possession 50
0.6 On Target % 0.0
0 Penalty Goals 1
0 Penalty Kicks Taken 1
0 Accurate Passes 0
0 Passes 0
0.0 Pass Completion % 0.0
2 Accurate Crosses 3
9 Crosses 6
0.2 Cross % 0.5
0 Long Balls 0
0 Accurate Long Balls 0
0.0 Long Balls % 0.0
0 Blocked Shots 1
0 Effective Tackles 0
0 Tackles 0
0.0 Tackle % 0.0
0 Interceptions 0
0 Effective Clearances 0
3 Clearances 3

Game Information

Competition: FIFA World Cup Qualifying - UEFA

Venue: Ferenc Puskas Stadion
Location: Budapest,
Attendance: 26,000


HUN Hungary

No. Name
1 Adam Bogdan (GK)
3 Vilmos Vanczák
4 Tamas Kadar
8 Jozsef Varga
17 Norbert Meszaros
21 Zsolt Korcsmar
6 Akos Elek Yellow Card
10 Zoltan Gera
11 Vladimir Koman
20 Tamás Hajnal Yellow Card
9 Ádám Szalai

TUR Turkey

No. Name
1 Volkan Demirel (GK)
2 Egeman Korkmaz Yellow Card
3 Hasan Ali Kaldirim
21 Ömer Toprak Yellow Card
5 Emre Belözoglu
6 Hamit Altintop Yellow Card
8 Mehmet Ekici
10 Nuri Sahin
11 Tunay Torun Yellow Card
20 Caner Erkin
19 Mevlut Erdinç


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