UEFA European Championship

Denmark vs Portugal, 2012 European Championship, Group Stage

· UEFA European Championship
  • 41': Nicklas Bendtner
  • 80': Nicklas Bendtner
2 - 3
  • 24': Pepe
  • 36': Hélder Postiga
  • 87': Silvestre Varela


Denmark are hosting Portugal at Arena Lviv, Lviv, Ukraine, starting on . The match is a part of the UEFA European Championship.

Match Timeline

  • 0': Wednesday's early encounter from Euro 2012 sees Denmark take on Poland in the Arena Lviv in Western Ukraine. Denmark enter the game full of confidence after victory over Netherlands, whilst for Portugal it is now a 'must-win' encounter.
  • 0': Ahead of the clash, you can read Robin Hackett's preview where he picks his key men and decisive battle - Read
  • 0': Portugal fans have travelled in number to Ukraine for the match.
  • 0': DENMARK: Andersen; Jacobsen, Kjaer, Agger, S. Poulsen; Kvist, Zimling, Rommedahl, Eriksen, Krohn-Dehli; Bendtner
  • 0': PORTUGAL: Rui Patricio; Joao Pereira, Bruno Alves, Pepe, Fabio Coentrao; Miguel Veloso, Joao Moutinho, Raul Meireles; Nani, Helder Postiga, Cristiano Ronaldo
  • 0': This is the 13th official meeting between the two sides - Denmark have won on three occasions, Portugal seven times, with two draws.
  • 0': Nani (picked out in the preview as Portugal's man to watch)could be decisive in this one. The Manchester United winger has scored three times in four games against the Danes.
  • 0': Helder Postiga will win his 50th cap for Portugal tonight. However, Postiga, Fabio Coentrao, William Kvist and Simon Poulsen are all a booking away from suspension.
  • 0': Whilst Nani is Portugal's talisman, Denmark will be looking to striker Niklas Benstner who has scored three times in his three games with Portugal.
  • 0': Ahead of kick-off, why not read our latest feature as Nick Bidwell looks at Greece's performance so far - Read
  • 0': Here come the two sides then onto the Lviv turf. Time for the national anthems. Portugal first.
  • 0': The singing is over with. Moments from kick-off now. Huge game for both teams chances. Denmark are all but through with a win. Portugal, though, desperately need a win.
  • 1': KICK OFF!
  • 1': Bright start for Portugal, pinning Denmark back in their own half. The attack fizzles out quickly though and Nani concedes a free-kick.
  • 2': Portugal controlling possession early on. A long ball aiming for Ronaldo is well overhit, though.
  • 3': Denmark respond well and they have a corner.
  • 4': Taken short initially and Jacobsen quickly wins a second corner kick. From the retake, the ball falls kindly to Christian Eriksen on his left-foot. Shot blocked. Corner again.
  • 5': This time Denmark go short again, but turn over possession as Zimling aims a long ball cross field.
  • 6': Portugal look to release Coentrao down the left to start a counter, but the through ball is overhit. Goal kick.
  • 7': End-to-end stuff at the moment, as Denmark waste another corner opportunity.
  • 8': A first chance for Portugal to bring Cristiano Ronaldo into play. The Real Madrid forward makes a hash of his pass and the ball runs for a throw-in.
  • 9': Moutinho swings in a free-kick from deep on the left. Headed away by Simon Kjaer.
  • 10': Nice interplay from Raul Meireles and Nani almost sees the Manchester United man make a breakthrough. Agger gets a foot in to clear.
  • 11': Once more Meireles looks for Nani, but this time the Portuguese tumbles under Poulsen's tackle. Waved away by referee Thomson.
  • 12': Portugal coming strong now. Nani's cross almost reaches Ronaldo at the back post, but Jacobsen heads clear.
  • 13': Another cross aimed at Ronaldo, but this time punched clear by Andersen. Veloso almost picked out his man there.
  • 14': Having found themselves under pressure, Denmark almost find a response. Rommedahl springs the offside trap on the right, but cannot keep the ball in play from Zimling's long pass.
  • 15': Slight break in play now. Zimling is down holding his ankle.
  • 16': Jakob Pooulson replaces Zimling - The midfielder hobbled off and was taken to hospital after one of the side's last pre-tournament training sessions. Could be a related problem.
  • 17': Stop-start affair so far. Portugal looking the better side and will hope to mark their dominance on the scoresheet.
  • 18': Big chance for Cristiano Ronaldo. Meireles' shot is blocked and the ball falls to the Real Madrid forward, but his shot is hooked wide. He looks accusingly at a bobble on the pitch.
  • 19': Another delay with Pepe down injured, much to the annoyance of Denmark, who had hoped to play on.
  • 20': Dangerous free-kick opportunity for Portugal from the left now. Ronaldo is bodychecked by Simon Kjaer as he looks to break down the flank.
  • 21': Ronaldo takes and fires a shot at goal in his trademark fashion. Well over the bar.
  • 22': Nani behind Poulsen appears to be a tactic for the Portuguese. Pepe fires a long ball toward the wideman, but the pass runs out of play.
  • 23': Denmark are really struggling here, conceding possession too easily. Another free-kick near half-way for the Portuguese as Agger slices through Postiga.
  • 24': GOAL Denmark 0-1 Portugal Pepe with the opener!!! Wonderful free-kick almost reaches Postiga and is turned for a corner. Moutinho's front-post corner is once more excellent and Pepe rises high to power home a header.
  • 25': Portugal make a breakthrough after two inch perfect set-piece deliveries. Portugal's quality shining through.
  • 27': Pepe, of course, hit the bar in the opening defeat to Germany. He will feel he deserved that!
  • 27': Play developing slowly since the goal. Simon Poulsen defends better this time to stop a long raking ball reaching Nani.
  • 28': Another corner for Portugal, but could have been more. Ronaldo plays through Postiga, but Agger challenges well.
  • 29': Raul Meireles for deliberate handball, as Portugal's corner comes to nothing. Denmark look to quickly release Krohn-Dehli and Meireles 'intercepts' with his arm.
  • 30': Simon Poulson looks to make an impact in attack this time. Joao Pereira, though, does excellently to steal the ball off his opponent.
  • 31': Portugal look to gallop up the pitch and Ronaldo slides the ball towards Postiga. The pass is overhit and Andersen rushes off his line to claim.
  • 32': Only one side in this game at the moment. Portugal are controlling the game.
  • 33': Big, big chance for Portugal now. Ronaldo, who looks determined to impress, charges inside off his wing towards the area and just as he looks to fire away a shot, Jacobsen brings him down. Free kick from 25 yards.
  • 34': Deflection! But, over. Ronaldo's effort from the free-kick clips the top of the wall and loops just over the bar.
  • 35': Andersen has looked confident in the Denmark goal so far. Off his line quickly to claim the corner, relieving some pressure for his side.
  • 36': GOAL Denmark 0-2 Portugal Postiga at the front post!!! Brilliant goal for Portugal. Nani creates the goal on the right, staying onside and firing a low cross which Helder Postiga turns home at the front-post.
  • 37': Postiga, who is winning his 50th cap, was under pressure pre-match. Now, though, his darting run to the front post has paid dividends. Good movement, tidy finish.
  • 38': Poor Denmark. They have looked shell-shocked so far.
  • 39': Morten Olsen looks on in bemusement from the sidelines. His side are mere bystanders at the moment.
  • 40': Pepe scores his opening goal
  • 41': GOAL Denmark 1-2 Portugal Bendtner pulls one back!!! A lifeline for the Danes. The ball is whipped behind the defence to the back-post where Krohn-Dehli busts a gut to head the ball back over Rui Patricio. Bendtner, who had been loitering behind the defence, is there to head home.
  • 42': Paulo Bento will be fuming. His side were in total control of the match and now, find their lead reduced.
  • 44': Nani is terrifying Simon Poulsen. Once more he gets behind the left-back, the Portuguese winger crosses well and Postiga is inches from heading home at the front post.
  • 45': Once more, just a minute later, Nani is past Poulsen. His cross this time is not as good and Denmark clear with ease.
  • 45': Two minutes added-time...
  • 45': Denmark come forward to try and snatch an equaliser before the break. Some excellent defending from Coentrao stops Jacobsen crossing from the right.
  • 45': Portugal counter and Postiga is pulled down as the attack continues. Nothing given. The Portugal bench are incensed.
  • 45': HALF TIME Denmark 1-2 Portugal
  • 0': Dominant showing from Portugal. The Iberians shot into a 2-0 lead with goals from Pepe and Helder Postiga, before Bendtner grabbed a late lifeline for Denmark. Will that goal come back to haunt Portugal?
  • 0': Nani and Cristiano Ronaldo looking in the mood for this one and Portugal are reaping the rewards. Denmark struggling to keep a hold of them
  • 0': Bendtner continues his goal-a-game record for Denmark against Portugal. That's four in four for the Arsenal striker.
  • 0': This game is now delicately poised. Denmark will be desperate for a positive result before they face Germany.
  • 0': The teams are coming back out onto the pitch then...
  • 46': SECOND HALF underway in Arena Lviv
  • 46': Denmark have come out well. Stroking the ball around nicely in midfield.
  • 47': Almost immediately, Cristiano Ronaldo tries to prove me wrong. Moutinho pinches the ball in midfield and serves the forward who drives at the defence, before a loose touch concedes possession.
  • 48': Despite that brief scare, Denmark are playing the ball around nicely. Kvist at the base of the midfield playing an important role.
  • 49': Massive chance for Ronaldo again! Nani sprays a long ball across the pitch that puts his colleague in acres of space. Staring into the keepers eyes, Ronaldo chooses to shoot early, but Andersen gets down low to save well. Poor effort.
  • 51': Once more Demark are passing the ball well in midfield. However, they are surrendering possession far too easily to allow Portugal to counter.
  • 52': Finally Portugal get their foot on the ball and are looking to build an attack.
  • 53': The attack builds nicely and Joao Pereira whips in a ball from the right which is just over the head of Helder Postiga. Jacobsen scrambles the ball clear.
  • 54': Christian Eriksen concedes the ball to Helder Postiga inside his own half and it looks like the striker may be through on goal. Agger, though, does magnificently to rescue his teammate with a burst of pace and full-length tackle.
  • 56': Jakob Poulsen booked for trip on Nani as Portugal look to counter.
  • 56': Portugal now have another crossing opportunity with a free-kick level with the box on the right. Moutinho fouled by Kvist.
  • 57': Crossed in by Miguel Veloso, but too close to Andersen who punches upwards. Pepe wins the follow-up header, but the ball rolls for a goal-kick.
  • 58': Corner at the other end for Denmark. Crossed in towards the back-post, but Nani heads clear.
  • 59': Concerned faces from the Denmark bench. Rommedahl pulls up with what looks like a hamstring injury.
  • 60': Tobias Mikkelsen replaces Dennis Rommedahl
  • 61': Denmark looking to capitalise on Portuguese nerves now. Passing the ball nicely.
  • 62': Unbelievably close! Kvist fires a shot inches wide of the post as a ball drops just outside the area. Lucky escape for Portugal.
  • 63': Mikkelsen, the new boy, has Veloso on toast down the right-flank, but unfortunately his cross isnt at the same standard. Caught well by Rui Patricio.
  • 64': Nelson Oliveira replaces Helder Postiga
  • 65': Mikkelsen does well again down the right flank. A better low cross this time has Portugal worried, but Pepe clears on the stretch.
  • 66': Portugal look to play in subsititute Nelson Oliveira. Meireles' lay-off though is not good enough and rolls to Andersen in the Denmark net.
  • 67': Mikkelsen does well to work a shot on goal, before Denmark come on the attack again. However, Bendtner is flagged offside.
  • 68': At the other end, Ronaldo looks to play through Nelson Oliveira, but the youngsters first-touch drags him too wide and the attack restarts.
  • 69': A long spell of Portugal possession continues, but it is all fairly tame. A long ball from Bruno Alves concedes the ball eventually, with the ball greatly overhit towards Nani.
  • 70': Simon Poulsen cuts in from the left and looks to create an opportunity for his side. Shepherded well by Pepe though.
  • 72': Niklas Bendtner wastes a half-chance for Denmark now. The Sunderland loanee slices a shot horribly with his left-foot from the edge of the area.
  • 73': Portugal seem to be resorting to long shots now. Meireles blasts hopelessly over from 30 yards this time.
  • 74': Coentrao is fouled in the Portugal left-back position. Rui Patricio to take the free-kick, to jeers of the Denmark fans who believe he is taking too much time over the clearance.
  • 75': At the other end, Cristiano Ronaldo continues the trend of woeful shots for Portugal, with a left-footed effort from the flank.
  • 76': Free-kick to Denmark from the left of the area. Handball given against Nani.
  • 77': Christian Eriksen floats in a delightful ball from the left. Rui Patricio beats Bendtner to the ball by inches.
  • 78': My goodness! Nani has played in Cristiano Ronaldo on a plate, but one on one with the keeper, Ronaldo has slid the ball past the post. That is an unbelievable miss.
  • 80': GOAL Denmark 2-2 Portugal Bendtner at the double!!! Jacobsen gets forward down the right for Denmark as they counter with pace and crosses deep to the back post. Bendtner has pulled off Pepe and heads home powerfully, via the post.
  • 81': Ronaldo must be regretting that miss now...
  • 82': Ronaldo almost makes amends immediately, firing in a free-kick from the right that any touch from Pepe would turn home. The centre-back had made a clever run across the face of keeper Andersen.
  • 83': Portugal are desperate. They know they need a goal now.
  • 84': Nani, who is having a fine game, plays the ball to Ronaldo again. The former World player of the year is sandwiched by two defenders but gets a tame shot away. Saved by Andersen.
  • 85': Varela replaces Meireles
  • 86': Moutinho corner finds Ronaldo again, but his shot is sliced badly.
  • 87': GOAL Denmark 2-3 Portugal Varela bags a winner!!! The ball is fired across from the left by Coentrao and reaches Varela, who miscues a left footed volley. He recovers the ball though and turns to smash home with his right foot.
  • 88': Varela, who missed a golden chance against Germany, could be the hero tonight.
  • 89': Rolando replaces Nani
  • 89': Portugal defending for their lives now. Corner swung in from the Denmark left narrowly avoids Kjaer.
  • 90': Lasse Schone replaces Michael Krohn-Dehli
  • 90': Four added minutes...
  • 90': Denmark flood forwaed and Simon Poulsen crosses towards Bendtner. Headed clear by Bruno Alves.
  • 90': Ronaldo for a trip as Denmark look to come forward once again.
  • 90': Denmark throwing long-balls toward Portugal's five man defence. No luck so far!
  • 90': Schone has possibly the final chance of the game for Denmark. The ball comes loose and Eriksen lays the ball to Schone on the right, but his shot is high and wide.
  • 90': FULL TIME Denmark 2-3 Portugal
  • 0': Silvestre Varela is the hero of the hour for Portugal, grabbing a goal in the final minutes to keep quarter-final hopes alive.
  • 0': Both sides poor defensively and star men Cristiano Ronaldo and Christian Eriksen will not be happy with their individual performances. Pepe and Niklas Bendtner the men who eventually inspired their teams.
  • 0': Both teams are level on 3 points in the Group B standings after today's result. All four teams would be level should Netherlands defeat Germany.
  • 0': You can follow Netherlands - Germany on ESPN here in just a few moments - Read


https://a.espncdn.com/combiner/i?img=/i/teamlogos/countries/500/por.png&h=25&scale=crop&w=25&location=originPOR DENhttps://a.espncdn.com/combiner/i?img=/i/teamlogos/countries/500/den.png&h=25&scale=crop&w=25&location=origin
0 Fouls 0
0 Yellow Cards 0
0 Red Cards 0
0 Offsides 0
0 Corner Kicks 0
0 Saves 0
0 Possession 0
0.0 On Target % 0.0
0 Penalty Goals 0
0 Penalty Kicks Taken 0
0 Accurate Passes 0
0 Passes 0
0.0 Pass Completion % 0.0
0 Accurate Crosses 0
0 Crosses 0
0.0 Cross % 0.0
0 Long Balls 0
0 Accurate Long Balls 0
0.0 Long Balls % 0.0
0 Blocked Shots 0
0 Effective Tackles 0
0 Tackles 0
0.0 Tackle % 0.0
0 Interceptions 0
0 Effective Clearances 0
0 Clearances 0

Game Information

Competition: UEFA European Championship

Venue: Arena Lviv
Location: Lviv, Ukraine
Attendance: 34,915

EURO Table

1 Spain 3 +5 9
2 Italy 3 0 4
3 Croatia 3 -3 2
4 Albania 3 -2 1
Full Table


DEN Denmark (4-2-3-1)

No. Name
1 Stephan Andersen (GK)
4 Daniel Agger
3 Simon Kjaer
5 Simon Poulsen
6 Lars Jacobsen
8 Christian Eriksen
21 Niki Zimling
7 William Kvist
11 Nicklas Bendtner
9 Michael Krohn-Dehli
10 Dennis Rommedahl

POR Portugal (4-3-3)

No. Name
12 Rui Patrício (GK)
2 Bruno Alves
3 Pepe
5 Fábio Coentrão
21 João Pereira
4 Miguel Veloso
8 João Moutinho
16 Raul Meireles Yellow Card
23 Hélder Postiga
7 Cristiano Ronaldo Yellow Card
17 Nani


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