Texas Rangers at Colorado Rockies
· Major League Baseball
Texas Rangers
4-6, 2-4 Awayvs

Colorado Rockies
8-3, 5-0 HomeHow To Watch
How can I watch Texas Rangers vs. Colorado Rockies?
- TV Channel: Rangers at Rockies 2022 MLB Baseball, is broadcasted on MLB.tv.
- Online streaming: Sign up for Fubo.
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11 | Games Played | 12 |
11 | Team Games Played | 12 |
4 | Hit By Pitch | 4 |
0 | Ground Balls | 0 |
95 | Strikeouts | 122 |
57 | Runs Batted In | 69 |
0 | Sacrifice Hit | 0 |
96 | Hits | 113 |
7 | Stolen Bases | 12 |
26 | Walks | 49 |
0 | Catcher Interference | 0 |
61 | Runs | 71 |
5 | Ground Into Double Play | 5 |
3 | Sacrifice Flies | 1 |
376 | At Bats | 415 |
17 | Home Runs | 10 |
0 | Grand Slam Home Runs | 1 |
118 | Runners Left On Base | 202 |
2 | Triples | 1 |
0 | Game Winning RBIs | 0 |
0 | Intentional Walks | 1 |
24 | Doubles | 27 |
0 | Fly Balls | 0 |
2 | Caught Stealing | 1 |
0 | Pitches | 0 |
0 | Games Started | 0 |
0 | Pinch At Bats | 0 |
0 | Pinch Hits | 0 |
0.0 | Player Rating | 0.0 |
1 | Is Qualified | 1 |
1 | Is Qualified In Steals | 1 |
175 | Total Bases | 172 |
409 | Plate Appearances | 469 |
250.0 | Projected Home Runs | 135.0 |
43 | Extra Base Hits | 38 |
54.4 | Runs Created | 64.4 |
.255 | Batting Average | .272 |
.000 | Pinch Hit Average | .000 |
.465 | Slugging Percentage | .414 |
.293 | Secondary Average | .287 |
.308 | On Base Percentage | .354 |
.773 | OBP Pct + SLG Pct | .768 |
0.0 | Ground To Fly Ball Ratio | 0.0 |
5.1 | Runs Created Per 27 Outs | 5.6 |
443.0 | Batter Rating | 491.5 |
22.1 | At Bats Per Home Run | 41.5 |
0.78 | Stolen Base Percentage | 0.92 |
0.00 | Pitches Per Plate Appearance | 0.00 |
.210 | Isolated Power | .142 |
0.27 | Walk To Strikeout Ratio | 0.40 |
.064 | Walks Per Plate Appearance | .104 |
.037 | Secondary Average Minus Batting Average | .014 |
118.0 | Runs Produced | 140.0 |
0.9 | Runs Ratio | 1.0 |
0.5 | Patience Ratio | 0.5 |
0.3 | Balls In Play Average | 0.4 |
363.8 | MLB Rating | 394.3 |
0.0 | Offensive Wins Above Replacement | 0.0 |
0.0 | Wins Above Replacement | 0.0 |